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By: Ryan,Atticus,Colby & Robyn

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1 By: Ryan,Atticus,Colby & Robyn
Film Theory Project Theme : Environment Water Pollution in All Forms of Cinema By: Ryan,Atticus,Colby & Robyn

2 Sequence Flow – Documentary A civil Action – Drama Happy Feet – Animation Elemental – Documentary

3 Flow : Documentary Website :

4 FLOW Directed by Irena Salina Released in 2008 From the United States
“FLOW” is a documentary on the importance and pollution of water all around the world

5 How It Relates To The Thematic
Our thematic for this project is on environmental issues and this film fits in well due to water being an important resource and how it's in danger. I found this scene interesting due to us not really thinking about how polluted our water is here in north america. Its interesting because when we think of polluted water we normally think of third world countries and not here.

6 Bottled Water Another issue that is addressed in the documentary is the bottle water industry. The film mentions how bottled water isn't any cleaner than tap water, in fact water companies are taking water from the same sources as tap water. According to the film in 2007 $10.8 billion was spent on bottled water in the US and $100 billion is spent annually.

7 Third World Country Issues
Most of the film focuses on the issue of third world countries and how they're being mistreated with water. Some of these issues include how their water is being privatized by big companies (Coca-Cola, Nestle, etc) This then leads to their water becoming more polluted and their only options are to pay for water distributed by the company (some can’t afford this) or drink the polluted water.

8 Article 31 At the end of the documentary, it is mentioned how producer of “FLOW” Steven Starr launched a petition to “ upon the United Nations to add a 31st article to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, establishing access to clean and potable water as a fundamental human right.” ( Since the petitions launch in 2005, the petition has gained 84, 652 signateurs.

9 A civil Action : Drama This scene is the families of victims of children who died from drinking the unclean water are demanding someone own up to the poisoning of the water and apologize so they want the Lawyer to take their case. He refuses because he only takes cases that are worth more. after he leaves he discovers what is really happening to the water and sees it first hand. you can tell by the expressions on his face that he is doing some serious thinking and having a real eye opening experience. in a later scene he does reveal he is taking the case after all, but I feel just his facial expressions in this scene alone is enough to tell us that.

10 Happy Feet : Animation Directed by George Miller Featured actors like Robin Williams, Elijah Wood, Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, and Brittany Murphy Released in 2006 Grossed 41 million dollars in the first week

11 Storyline : Happyfeet

12 Pollution in Happy Feet caused by human interaction with nature :

13 Elemental : Documentary
An Environmental Documentary that focuses on water pollution, climate change and oil pipeline pollution from the perspectives of three different environmentally influenced people from around the world. One Indian man named Rajendra Singh, an aboriginal woman named Eriel Deranger and an Australian man named Jay Harman. I focused on Rajendra Singh’s story and journey because it focused on him and his concern for water pollution in his country of India. -Made in By Cinema Guild studios -1hr 33mins total -Directors & Producers are : Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee and Gayatri Roshan -The scene I chose takes place about 1hr and 7minutes into the movie, so during the second half of the movie roughly towards the end.

14 Elemental Scene

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