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Bayard Roberts ECOHOST – The Centre for Health and Social Change

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1 Systematic review on the effectiveness of NCD interventions in humanitarian crises
Bayard Roberts ECOHOST – The Centre for Health and Social Change London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 2 September 2016



4 Sources: 5 Bibliographic databases, grey literature sources
Aim and methods Aim: to systematically review evidence on the effectiveness of interventions targeting NCDs during humanitarian crises Sources: 5 Bibliographic databases, grey literature sources Eligibility: *Humanitarian crises, inc. forcibly displaced persons *Low- and middle-income countries *Quantitative studies * Quality assessment: *Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale (observational studies) *Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool (Experimental studies) PRISMA Guidelines

5 Results

6 Results

7 NCD study findings Study designs: 1 RCT, 5 cohort, 1 case series, 1 interrupted time series. Outcomes: Diabetes (N=3), heart failure, hypertension, arthritis, chronic kidney disease, and thalassaemia. Study settings: Middle East (N=6), Eastern Europe, South Asia. Mixed clinical results: E.g. DM – majority often not receiving proper checks, poor blood glucose results, insufficient checks, DM complications poorly screened. E.g. Hypertension – better results than DM e.g. Blood pressure targets, screening . Value of cohort monitoring through digital surveillance systems Value of disease-management protocols Value of algorithm-based interventions Algorithm-based interventions: heart failure study in Georgia, and diabetes care with Palestinian refugees in Jordan.

8 But… Strength and quality of evidence generally limited
Outcome reporting weak Reliance on observational study designs Limited use of control groups Biases with missing data Inadequate patient-follow-up Confounding poorly addressed Gaps No studies on costs or feasibility of interventions No studies on integrated care (e.g. with mental health, HIV, TB) No studies on effectiveness on health promotion Not clear or established diagnostic procedures

9 Only descriptive analysis, rather than meta-analysis
Review limitations Only descriptive analysis, rather than meta-analysis Only went back to 1980 Only quantitative studies included Possibility of grey literature held by agencies 1997 was first study (Tibetan refugees RCT)

10 Slightly off topic…other reviews on prevention
Evidence on patterns of alcohol and tobacco use and control: Alcohol: 22 eligible studies; risk-factors of trauma exposure & mental disorders; 0 assessed intervention effectiveness; 6 rated high quality. Tobacco: 39 eligible studies; trauma exposure risk-factor; 0 assessed intervention effectiveness; 2 rated high quality. Lo J, Patel P, Roberts B. A systematic review on tobacco use among civilian populations affected by armed conflict. Tobacco Control. 2016; 25. Lo J, Patel P, Shultz J, Ezard N, Roberts B. A systematic review on harmful alcohol use among civilian populations affected by armed conflict in low- and middle-income countries (under review) Alcohol: Why should we care? Risk-factors: stressors/depression/ptsd > alcohol; daily stressors/bordeom/>alcohol Effects: NCDs, mental health, SGBV. Broader influences: urbanisation, alcogenic environment etc Almost all were cross-sectional studies.

11 Key messages Very limited data
Potential for electronic surveillance registries Need for more studies, particularly with controls More economic studies

12 Thank you!

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