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Bouchra Bakach Instructional Designer, PhD Student

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Presentation on theme: "Bouchra Bakach Instructional Designer, PhD Student "— Presentation transcript:

1 Bouchra Bakach Instructional Designer, PhD Student University of Houston Small Investment for Big Returns: Construction Management Online Certificate

2 Project Background Industry-Academia Skills Mismatch
Construction Employers Identified Training Needs Construction Projects Suffer (Money & Time)

3 Construction Industry
$1.7 Trillion Annual Revenue Continued Growth Diversity (education, Experience, Age, ethnicity, etc.) Opportunity to Make a Difference

4 Construction Management
Bridge Between Architects, Engineers & Field Staff Effective Communication is Necessary

5 UH CM Certificate Architects and Engineers (A/E) Online
Project Cost Estimating and Project Scheduling Two Semesters

6 Project Team Instructional Designer CM Dept. Chair 9 Industry Partners

7 Instructional Design Model
ADDIE Model: Assess and Analyze Needs Design Instruction and Presentation Develop Materials Implement Activities and Courses Evaluate Participant Progress & Instructional Materials

8 Educational Model Malcolm Knowles Theory of Andragogy:
Adult Are Self-Directed Bring Wide Range of Experiences Enter Learning Environment Ready to Learn Learners Are Problem/Task Oriented Learn Best When Learning Directly Applies to Their Life Situation Motivated by Internal Factors: Self-Esteem, Quality of Life…

9 Development Overview Identification of Audience
Clarification of Learners’ Needs Establishment of Training Objectives Determination of Outcomes Preparation of Instructional Contents

10 Certificate Courses Construction Management Principles
Construction Contracts Construction Cost Estimating Planning and Scheduling Techniques

11 Development Procedure
Storyboard for Each Module Team reviews Storyboard SMEs Create Contents ID Ensures Alignments and Gives Feedback SMEs Make Adjustments and Create Final Draft ID Creates Course Shells and Adds Content SMSs Review Course and Give feedback to ID ID Makes Corrections and Publishes the Course Learners Give Feedback at the End of Each Module SMSs and ID review Feedback and Make Necessary Changes

12 Details CanvasTM as LMS
Interactive Online Lectures Using Articulate StudioTM Each Course Offers an Interactive Workbook Discussion Boards Videos Library

13 Concluding Remarks Industry-academia Partnerships are Fruitful
Certificate Completed in Two Semesters Good Income Stream for Departments Planning Summative Evaluation to Assess Employees and Employers Satisfaction

14 Discussion! Questions?

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