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Presentation on theme: "Images."— Presentation transcript:

1 Images

2 Passing electricity through calcium sulfate solution produces oxygen and hydrogen gases

3 Passing electricity through calcium sulfate solution produces oxygen and hydrogen gases

4 Part of the reactivity series
Part of the reactivity series. The reactivity series lists metals in order of how vigorously they react with substances such as oxygen and water.

5 Part of the reactivity series
Part of the reactivity series. The reactivity series lists metals in order of how vigorously they react with substances such as oxygen and water.

6 The electrolysis of brine

7 The electrolysis of brine
The electrolysis of brine. The diaphragm keeps the chlorine away from the sodium hydroxide solution.

8 Cells for the electrolysis of brine
James Holmes, Hays Chemicals/SPL Cells for the electrolysis of brine

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