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Be the SUPER HERO of your own life!

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Presentation on theme: "Be the SUPER HERO of your own life!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Be the SUPER HERO of your own life!
Marana Falcons! Be the SUPER HERO of your own life! Face painting contest - Superhero PRIDE RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY

2 Why are we meeting this morning?
To prepare for the new quarter To set you up for success Explain supports we have in place to help you make the right choices Explain consequences if you make a poor choice

3 What you should know… We love you guys!
What we are doing here is important We aren’t going to give up on you!

4 PRIDE: Keys to success in school. Be proud of what you accomplish here!
Come to each class on time every day Listen and follow directions –right away Complete your BEST work – all the time Read, come prepared, and participate in discussions and group work in all of your classes Follow the rules in all areas of the school, at school activities and on the bus Crazy glasses

5 RESPECT: This is OUR school!
Keep our school beautiful – throw away trash No PDA! Only use language your granny would be proud of! Crazy glasses

6 RESPECT: This is OUR school!
Don’t bounce basketballs, soccer balls, etc. in the halls. Keep traffic flow moving. Walk on the RIGHT Crazy glasses Be aware of your surroundings. Don’t run in crowds.

7 RESPONSIBILITY: Dress to for success!
Hats are off and way during school…show off your cool style on the weekends! Don’t be like HOMER…cover your belly! Selfie station Earbuds- One in One Out Policy. NO SPEAKERS…we don’t all like the same type of music.

Tell them to stop Horseplay and goofing around often leads to fights. If you fight…you will be suspended. Walk Away

9 Bullies are NOT COOL! Make a commitment today…
If I am harassing someone, I will stop it today! If I see harassing happening, I will intervene! If I am being harassed, I will tell them to stop and report it to school staff! You will have consequences if you choose to be a bully…and the consequences will keep getting worse.

10 Be KIND! Don’t do any of the following:

11 BE KIND…the world will be a better place and YOU will be a happier person!

12 Cyber-Bullying won’t be tolerated at our school!
We see everything you post. You will be given harsh consequences for cyber-bullying. Toothpaste back in the tub Click with Compassion!

13 This is a DRUG FREE / WEAPON FREE environment
Don’t bring anything to school that could get you SUSPENDED and ARRESTED

14 RESPONSIBILITY – Do your best in every class
RESPONSIBILITY – Do your best in every class. Your education and your knowledge can never be taken from you!

15 Marana Falcons! Have a Great 2nd Quarter!
Face painting contest - Superhero Have a Great 2nd Quarter!

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