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CHAPTER 2 Application Layer.

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1 CHAPTER 2 Application Layer

2 Announcements and Outline
Administrative Items Questions? Recap Introduction to Networks Network Type Network Layers Today’s Outline Application Layer 2.1 Hardware 2.2 Application Architecture (Software) 2.3 Web 2.4 2

3 Network Layers Computer 1 Computer 2 3

4 Acronyms of the Day HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol
SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol POP – Post Office Protocol IMAP – Internet Message Access Protocol MIME – Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions 4

5 2 Application Layer Applications Application Layer Transport Layer
(e.g., , web, word processing) Application Layer Transport Layer Network Layer The software that enables the user to perform useful work Application architecture The way in which the functions of the application layer software are spread among the clients and servers on the network Functions of Application Layer 5

6 2.1 Hardware - Client What the users use PC Terminal Network Computers
Mobile Devices Special Purpose 6

7 2.1 Hardware – Client (Special Purpose)
Terminal Mobile Technologies Special Purpose 7

8 2.1 Hardware – Server What the client accesses PC (special purpose)
Mainframe Clusters (aka Server Farms) Special Purpose 8

9 2.1 Hardware – Server Mainframes From 1970’s More Recent 9

10 2.1 Hardware – Server Clusters Server Clusters Computer Cluster

11 2.2 Application Architecture
Splitting the work across the client and the server Basic Software Components: Presentation Logic Application Logic Data Access Logic Data 11

12 2.2 Host (Server) Based Architecture

13 2.2 Host Based Architecture Problems
Host becomes a bottleneck Host upgrades typically expensive and “lumpy” 13

14 2.2 Client Based Architecture

15 2.2 Client Based Architecture Problems
Data traffic must travel back and forth between server and client Example: when the client program is making a database query, the ENTIRE database must travel to the client before the query can be processed Often the large file sizes moving across the LAN can yield a poor result in network performance 15

16 2.2 Client-Server Architecture
2-Tier Architecture CLIENT SERVER 16

17 2.2 Client-Server Architecture
2-Tier Architecture CLIENT SERVER

18 Thin and Thick Clients Classification depends on how much of the application logic resides on the client or server Thin client: Little or no application logic on client Becoming popular because easier to manage, (only the server application logic generally needs to be updated) The best example: World Wide Web architecture (uses a two-tier, thin client architecture) Thick client: All or most of the application logic resides on the client

19 2.2 Client-Server Architecture
Advantages Disadvantages 19

20 client application programs server application programs
Middleware client application programs a standard way of translating between software from different vendors Manages message transfers Insulates network changes from the clients (e.g., adding a new server) Middleware server application programs Examples of standards for Middleware: Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) 20

21 Multi-tier Architectures
Involve more than two computers in distributing application program logic 2-tier architecture Uses clients and servers in a balance, very popular approach in simple LANs 3-tier architecture 3 sets of computers involved N-tier architecture More than three sets of computers used, more typical across complex organizations Allows load balancing across servers 21

22 2.2 Client-Server Architecture

23 2.2 Client-Server Architecture

24 2.2 Client-Server Architecture (Multi-Tier)
Advantages Disadvantages 24

25 Peer to Peer Architecture
All computers can serve as a client and a server Advantages: Disadvantages: 25

26 Peer to Peer Architecture

27 2.2 Criteria for Choosing Architecture
Infrastructure Cost Development Cost Scalability 27

28 2.2 Choosing an Architecture
Host-Based Client-Based Client-Server Cost of Infrastructure Cost of Development Scalability 28

29 Web (How it works) What happens when type a web address (2-Tier Networks, Client/Server) 29

30 2.3 Web HTTP Requests: Request Line Request Header Request Body 30

31 2.3 Web HTTP Response: Response Status Response Header Response Body

32 2.3 Web (Request/Response Demo)

33 2.4.1 Email (2-Tier - Thick Client)
How a message is sent 33

34 2.4.1 Email (2-Tier - Thick Client)
How a message is sent offsite (e.g. from UNCW to UNC) 34

35 – Web Mail 3-Tier – Off Campus 35

36 – SMTP Packets Header Body 36

37 2.4.4 Email – Sending Attachments
SMTP is a relatively old protocol and is text only, so how do we send attachments using text only? MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) MIME example 37

38 Instant Messaging (IM)
A client-server program that allows real-time typed messages to be exchanged Client needs an IM client software Server needs an IM server package Some types allow voice and video packets to be sent Like a telephone Examples include AOL and ICQ Two step process: Telling IM server that you are online Chatting

39 How Instant Messaging Works

40 Videoconferencing Provides real time transmission of video and audio signals between two or more locations Allows people to meet at the same time in different locations Saves money and time by not having to move people around Typically involves matched special purpose rooms with cameras and displays Desktop videoconferencing Low cost application linking small video cameras and microphones together over the Internet No need for special rooms Example: Net Meeting software on clients communicating through a common videoconference server

41 Recap – Application Layer
2.1 Hardware Clients Servers 2.2 Application Architecture (Software) 2.3 Web How it works Requests and Responses How it Works Requests and Sending Attachments 41

42 Next Class Read Chapter 3 - Physical Layer
Find out what service you currently use What are the transmission speed? What type of transmissions are utilized – Analog or Digital? 42

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