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Susan Matulevicius, MD, MSCS, FACC Assistant Professor Division of Cardiology UT Southwestern.

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Presentation on theme: "Susan Matulevicius, MD, MSCS, FACC Assistant Professor Division of Cardiology UT Southwestern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Susan Matulevicius, MD, MSCS, FACC Assistant Professor Division of Cardiology UT Southwestern

2 2000 Obesity Trends* Among U.S. Adults US Prevalence of Obesity 1990-2010 (*BMI 30, or about 30 lbs. overweight for 5’4” person) 2010 1990 No Data <10% 10%–14 15%–19% 20%–24% 25%–29% ≥30%

3 Circulation 2012; 126(14): 1770-1779.

4 JAMA 2012; 307 (5): 482-490.

5 ..

6 Lancet 2002; 360(9331): 473-482.

7 By 2035, it is estimated that >100,000 cardiovascular events (stroke, heart attack, congestive heart failure) will be attributable to excess weight in adolescence In one study looking at carotid intimal thickness, which is a measure of vascular age, 75% of obese children age 6 to 19 years with cardiac risk factors had the vascular age of a 45 year old! Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2013; 62(15): 1309-1319..

8 Energy In Energy Out Eat Healthy Get Active

9 Less likely to: 1.Eat meals together with their families 2.Be actively engaged in school 3.Participate in extracurriculars 4.Sleep enough Kids who have a TV in their room are: More likely to: 1.Have problematic social behaviors 2.Watch 1.5 more hrs of TV a day 3.Be overweight Prev Med 2011; 52(2):104-8.

10 Journal of School Health 2013; 83(7): 500-507. 30 40 50 60 70 <2 345 6 th grade Academic Achievement (%) Fitness Level Math English

11 Limit Screen Time Eat Together Be Active!Healthy Snacks Weekly Menu Drink Water

12 Walk to School ProgramsPhysical Education Physical Activity in the Classroom Community Engagement

13 E-mail and Texting Interventions Circulation 2013; 127:260-67. Exergaming

14 Circulation 2013; 127:260-67.

15  – Michelle Obama’s mission to raise a healthier generation of kids  – Successful physical activity in the classroom  JAMmin’ Minute – 1 minute exercise routine and health tips created by schools around the country (  CDC: ne/guidelines/children.html

16 Pilot of the Walk with a Doc program established by Dr David Sabgir in Ohio Partnering with the City of Coppell as part of the “Living Well in Coppell” Campaign Goal is to get people moving and access to UTSW doctors and health professionals in a causal setting Talk (10 minutes on a health) by a UTSW MD Walk with doctors for 1 hour (or as long as you like) with the opportunity to ask questions or discuss health topics Snacks and Screening by UTSW Student Dietetic Association and the Preventive Medicine Interest Group GOAL : A walk a month with a health topic of interest for any participants. Kids,

17 Get Moving! with UT Southwestern Hear about an important health topic and then take a walk with our expert cardiologists to learn how the “heart pros” stay healthy. WHERE: Andrew Brown Park East WHEN: 9AM -11 AM Rain or shine WHO: Everyone is welcome!

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