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Benchmarking to improve your Digital marketing strategy Presented at Omniture Summit London, April 2009 Dave Chaffey, Director, Marketing Insights Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "Benchmarking to improve your Digital marketing strategy Presented at Omniture Summit London, April 2009 Dave Chaffey, Director, Marketing Insights Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benchmarking to improve your Digital marketing strategy Presented at Omniture Summit London, April 2009 Dave Chaffey, Director, Marketing Insights Ltd Dave’s Right Touching blog:

2 We like comparing…

3 Why benchmark? Compare to direct competitors Compare out-of-sector
Highlights failings, but… Strive to be best-in-breed Defines progress to goals

4 “Marketing & CRM focuses on four core strategic areas
“Marketing & CRM focuses on four core strategic areas...Our broad eCommerce strategy centres on a four point plan which is broken down into a series of individually defined and detailed strategic areas. Our aim is to be exceptional in delivery across each” Russell Gould, E-commerce Director, Thomas Cook Our 4 point strategic plan revolves around acquiring new customers, retaining / harvesting existing customers, converting site visitors to bookings and optimising performance across all aspects. The new eCommerce team has been structured around this 4 point plan to ensure we focus on the right areas. In each area we focus on a series of tactics in order to achieve the plan. For example a key tactic in customer acquisition is Search Engine Marketing (e.g. Google). We monitor and adapt every variable relating to this activity to drive cost effective traffic to our websites. Source: Econsultancy Managing Digital Channels report. Author: Dave Chaffey

5 Q1. How well defined is your plan?
Detailed plan: integrated (50%) Detailed plan: separate (27%) Detailed plan: separate (27%) No Plan (22%) Source: Econsultancy Managing Digital Channels report. Author: Dave Chaffey

6 Q2. How have you assessed your capabilities?
Download from:

7 An alternative benchmarking study
Source: Gijsbert van der Sleen, Consultant, Atos Consulting Contact through blog:

8 Conclusions of 2008 study Source: Gijsbert van der Sleen, Consultant, Atos Consulting Contact through blog:

9 Q3. What is your capability maturity?
Source: Carnegie Mellon University

10 Digital marketing governance maturity
Source: Econsultancy Managing Digital Channels report. Author: Dave Chaffey

11 Analytics capability maturity
Real-time application: Landing-page optimisation Multivariate testing Journey optimisation CMS Integration Modelling: Response probability Automatic visitor segments Content clustering Content and activity association Behaviour: Recency Frequency Average Visit Length Acquisition Method Event stream Section stream Measures # Users # Visits # Page views Top pages Top referrers # Errors Source: Presented by Julian Brewer, Head of Online Sales and Content Barclays UK retail banking to Econsultancy masterclass Nov 2008

12 Q4. Do you have the right resources?
% of marketing headcount who are digital specialists? You: (a) 0-20% (b) 20-40% (c) >40% Research: 1 in 3 Ratio: 2 Acquisition: 3 Conversion: 2 Retention: 8 IT Source: Econsultancy Managing Digital Channels report. Author: Dave Chaffey

13 Detail from the research
Source: Econsultancy Managing Digital Channels report. Author: Dave Chaffey

14 Q5. Do you have the right team structure?
“No perfect way to organise structure. A single team has benefit they’re 100% digital, breathing digital, risk is there is disconnect with offline world” Example of team structure for small-medium retailer

15 Resources needed for large digital team!

16 Internet marketing lightbulb jokes…
How many SEOs does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but it’s gonna take about 3-6 months to start to see the light bulb change. And that light bulb’s pretty high up there- are you sure you wouldn’t rather change 10 easier light bulbs? How many PPC experts does it take to…? Just one but the cost depends on how much the other light bulb changers are currently charging. How many social media gurus does it take to… It’s not about the change- it’s about engaging people in conversations about the light bulb change. How many web analysts does it take to… It depends which system you use / who you ask. Source:

17 Q6. How automated is your optimization?

18 Establish the campaign objectives and metrics for success
Q7. How refined is your SEM capability? Establish the campaign objectives and metrics for success Brief Campaign Planning User Demand Analysis Usability Study Audit Implement Observation & Refinement Reporting Status Meetings Regular calls and status meetings with client to ensure a partnership approach Cross channel strategy meetings to ensure integrated planning approach Analyse user demand, seasonality trends, competitive benchmarking and combine with forecast tools Update Rankings Report & Campaign Objectives Report and feed insight back into strategy Analyse user experience, usability and conversion path analysis and feed into audit. Gain further insight by deep diving into Analytics Observe changes to rankings and traffic levels and refine strategy. Use analytics to understand new user’s intent Conduct Visibility, Content & Reputation audits and provide detailed recommendations Provide implementation guidance & hand hold throughout process Source:

19 How good is your keyphrase-level reporting?
Should show: Potential performance from keyphrase estimators Your actual performance (position, clicks, conversion, sales, value): Paid – absolute and relative Natural – absolute and relative

20 Q8. How refined is your site conversion optimization
Journey optimisation: Personalised containers across site On-site search Landing page Optimisation Brand messages Product info Data collection Conversion path optimisation Registration pages Shopping basket Checkout Home page Optimisation Brand messages Engagement Merchandising

21 A B2C home page optimization case study
Prominent Unique phone number for tracking Incentivised Lead generation form Conversion Goals + OVP Social proof: Brand reassurance Top customer concerns answered

22 A B2B home page optimization
Social Proof Clear response options Messaging targeting key audiences

23 Salesforce landing page

24 Source: Webinar with Richard Weaver, Head of eCommerce

25 Override with known slot Source: Webinar with Richard Weaver, Head of eCommerce

26 OVP: Online Value Proposition
Recommended Score 0-10 Best sellers Based on product Feed of sales Minority of the searches on home page, so enter here Source: Webinar with Richard Weaver, Head of eCommerce

27 Q9. How refined is your email marketing capability?
Presented by Grant Baillie of Argos at marketing conference, with permission

28 Personalised British Airways Trip Guide
Personalized with customer name Direct link to “My booking” area of Search fields pre-populated with customer travel dates and destination Customized destination information including sightseeing and airport info Source:

29 Q10. How do you approach benchmarking?
A discussion of your approaches: Where does benchmarking fit? Which tools do you use? What helps convince colleagues to believe?

30 Thank you Download this presentation from: Any questions, do email me:
Any questions, do me: Friend me! Subscribe to my E-marketing Essentials monthly briefing on what’s new in E-marketing

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