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Agenda for November 2th to December 1st

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1 Agenda for November 2th to December 1st
Mr. Burns English 11

2 Monday, November 27th, 2017 As soon as you sit down INSTANTLY get out your notebooks for the ACT Word and Root definitions, sentences, and flash cards creations.  Read, provide commentary, and summarize Article 1 and Article 2 in preparation for final on either December 6th or 7th  Article 1: Why are Females Prone to Mass Hysteria Article 2: Groupthink Psychology: Using the Bandwagon to Increase Sales Article 3: The Salem Witch Trials: Groupthink at its worst

3 Vocabulary and Roots ACT Word: Coherent
Root: Germ-->English translation is "vital or related" Define Coherent Use coherent in a sentence Use germane, germicide, germinal, or germination in a sentence Make flashcards for coherent and germ

4 Questions to answer after reading
Article 1—Why are Females Prone to Mass Hysteria?  1. Based on the article what are the causes of mass hysteria in groups of women?  2. Explain how women, who are prone to mass hysteria, can effect society.  Article 2—Groupthink Psychology: Using The Bandwagon Effect To Increase Sales 3. What causes people in society to "bandwagon"? 4. Explain the effects of "bandwagon" on society? Support your answers with evidence from the articles.

5 Tuesday, November 28th, 2017 Instantly get out your notebooks
ACT Word of the Day Latin Root of the Day Warm-up: Are you a transcendentalist? Take notes on Transcendentalism

6 ACT/Latin Root of the Day
Define condescending and use it correctly in a sentence Write greg and write the English translation group in your notebook then use one of the following words in a sentence: congregate(gather into a crowd or mass), gregarious(sociable), and egregious(outstandingly bad)

7 Warm-up-Are you a Transcendentalist
Warm-up-Are you a Transcendentalist? Give yourself 2 points for every transcendentalist quality you possess  Do you... Do you... Have a deep faith in human potential and in human individuality? Feel you would be against slavery and for women's liberation? Reject vulgar (lack of good taste) prosperity (successful) and material excess?  Write mainly essays to express your ideas and beliefs? Believe technology isolates us from each other?  Believe all nature and humanity is united through a shared universal soul? Rage against social conformity? Believe the truth of the universe lies outside the reach of human senses? (nature) Believe that exploring nature will help you know universal truths better? Believe truth of the universe can only be grasped through intuition (understand something immediately without reasoning)? 

8 Are you a transcendentalist?
If you got points, you are probably the next Thoreau or Emerson. If you got 8-16 points, you are Average. Way to follow the crowd—so very un-Transcendentalist. If you got less than 8 points, you are a misanthrope. What is an misanthrope? A person who dislikes human kind.

9 Transcendentalism Remains very hard to define--- it is literature, it is philosophy, it is a way of life! Transcendentalists wanted a community that would also liberate the individual, a way of thinking that would also become a way of doing. 

10 Prezi on Transcendentalism
Take shorts notes on the Five Tenets of Transcendentalism and the 2 Major Authors.  While we look at various quotes by famous transcendentalists, I also want you to pick 4 of the 11 quotes to expand on and write about. 1. Write down the quote. If it's a bit longer, just write the first half. 2. Write your own thoughts about the quote. This should include the interpretation of what the author is saying, as well as your thoughts on it.  Example: "Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string." -Emerson I really like this quote because I think what Emerson is saying is that learning to trust ourselves is at the center of what our life experience is about. I also think that the concept of an "iron string" is important too, it's not just a violin string, that could snap easily, but rather a forged iron, like if we can learn to truly trust ourselves, it's a strength that won't easily be broken. 

11 Block Days!!! ACT Words of the Day: compassion and consecutive
Roots of the Day: mar and prim Read Groupthink Psychology: Using the Bandwagon Effect to Increase Sales and The Salem Witch Trials: Groupthink at its worst Review for Test on Friday=Jeopardy and Trashketball!!!!

12 ACT Words and Roots for the Day
Define compassion and consecutive Create one sentence using both compassion and consecutive. For example: Sebastian's compassion for the misfortunes of homeless people resulted in consecutive trips to Phoenix Rescue Mission. Create one sentence using marina and primary. For example: Marinas' primary focus is to offer space to dock boats and yachts. 

13 Groupthink

14 Read and Provide Commentary
Read and Provide Commentary on Groupthink Psychology: Using The Bandwagon Effect To Increase Sales then answer the following questions: 3. What causes people in society to "bandwagon" based on the article? 4. In your opinion, explain the effects of "bandwagon" on society?

15 Friday, December 1st, 2017 Test (15 minutes to complete it)
CELL PHONES PLACED IN BACKPACKS AND BACKPACKS PLACED IN FRONT OF CLASS WHILE TESTING.  Read Ralph Waldo Emerson's Self Reliance Assignment on excerpts from Self Reliance

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