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Looking ahead: some questions and challenges

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1 Looking ahead: some questions and challenges
Richard Bedford

2 1st RSE conference in the islands

3 The RSE success story

4 Seasonal work programmes 2005/6-2014/15
Total visas Pacific visas % Pacific SLP 9,024 569 6.3 RSE 60,050 48,338 80.5 TRSE 4,535 565 12.5 SSE 1,027 109 10.6 RSE VoC 303 261 86.1 Total 74,939 49,842 66.5

5 Seasonal work visas in context 2005/6-2014/15
Area All temp work visas All seasonal work visas % seasonal work Samoa 23,200 9,990 43.1 Tonga 26,000 12,630 48.6 Vanuatu 22,500 21,980 97.7 Pacific (RSE) 81,600 49,620 60.8 Total Pacific 149,100 49,800 33.4 All countries 1,618,000 74,939 4.6

6 Other Pacific and main Asian suppliers of RSE labour
Area All temp wk v. All seas wk v. % seas.wk Other Pacific Solomon Is 4,030 3,140 77.9 Kiribati 2,720 1,000 36.9 Tuvalu 1,990 630 31.7 PNG 950 220 22.8 Main Asia Thailand 26,920 5,640 21.0 Malaysia 42,240 5,220 12.4 Indonesia 14,900 2,460 16.5

7 Summary 150,000 work visas for PIs approved July 2005-June 2015
Just under 50,000 of these (1/3rd) for seasonal work by PIs 60,000 seasonal work visas approved over decade – 80% to Pacific workers; 20% to Asian workers The RSE scheme accounted for 80% of all seasonal work visas issued over the decade.

8 Some challenges “Spreading the love” – managing return rates so that there are opportunities for new workers to ensure continuity of trained labour supply and spread of benefits of work in Pacific communities “Helping the small players” – recognising that a third of all RSEs employ less than 20 workers each and account for just 4.5% of all recruits. Their needs for additional workers may seem small but they can be as great as those of the big players

9 Challenges cont. 3. Maintaining the “best practice” brand – continuing to show leadership in areas of worker welfare, pastoral care, and capacity building 4. Keeping the human dimension of seasonal work to the fore -- temporary workers have family obligations that may mean they need to take a season or two off work to maximise the benefits of participating in the scheme

10 Shares of workers and average gross earnings by season
Samoans Tongans Season % workers Average gross $ First 21.5 $19,823 Second 20.3 $21,018 Third 14.6 $21,620 Fourth 12.2 $21,926 Fifth 11.0 $21,366 Sixth 8.5 $21,456 Seventh 7.3 $21,814 Eighth 2.4 $23,784 Ninth 2.0 $23,097 All workers 100.0 $21,207 Season % workers Average gross $ First 18.8 $17,453 Second 20.3 $19,147 Third 14.6 $20,384 Fourth 12.2 $20,353 Fifth 11.0 $19,984 Sixth 8.5 $22,323 Seventh 7.3 $22,631 Eighth 2.4 $22,691 Ninth 2.0 $24,810 All workers 100.0 $19,912

11 Shares of workers and average gross earnings by seasonal work experience groups
Samoans Tongans Seasons % workers Average gross $ 1-2 seasons 41.9 $20,402 3-4 seasons 26.8 $21,490 5-6 seasons 19.5 $21,405 7+ seasons 11.8 $22,443 All workers 100.0 $21,207 Seasons % workers Average gross $ 1-2 seasons 44.8 $18,607 3-4 seasons 27.6 $20,374 5-6 seasons 16.0 $20,629 7+ seasons 11.6 $22,856 All workers 100.0 $19,912

12 What might be a good experience mix (for large employers/recruiters)?
The distribution of workers, by experience, in the survey population, who worked for 20 or more weeks was: 1-2 seasons: Samoans 42% Tongans 45% 3+ seasons: Samoans 58% Tongans 55% 1-4 seasons: Samoans 67% Tongans 74% 5+ seasons: Samoans 33% Tongans 26% Would notional distributions to aim for by 2020 be: 1-2 seasons: 50% 1-4 seasons: 80%

13 Would a more targeted approach be practical and make a difference?
What are the practical difficulties that might arise from adopting a more targeted approach to recruitment with a view to giving a wider pool of people in the islands an opportunity to access seasonal work in NZ be? What strategies are growers/contactors already adopting to ensure there is some churn in their workforce with a view to spreading the benefits of seasonal work more widely in the islands? Is this something employers/contractors should be concerned about or is this just an example of academic wishful thinking? What do the liaison officers and recruiting agents from the Pacific, who are attending the conference, think?

14 What is the risk of sticking with the status quo?
The RSE is already recognised as a best-practice temporary seasonal work scheme on the international scene. Gary Jones and Pipfruit NZ want to achieve an “Pacific fair” brand for the RSE to increase the attractiveness of our horticultural and viticulture exports in overseas markets. Is a conscious attempt to ensure that it is a scheme providing truly temporary seasonal work required to ensure it is perceived as being “Pacific fair”? Is there a risk it could become a scheme providing mainly permanent seasonal work for a lot of workers and being seen more like an indentured labour scheme?

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