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The ACM SAC, Coimbra, Portugal, March 18-22, 2013 TUTORIAL on DATA MINING from SOCIAL, KNOWLEDGE, and SENSOR NETWORKS Babovic, Zoran 1 Bajec, Marko.

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Presentation on theme: "The ACM SAC, Coimbra, Portugal, March 18-22, 2013 TUTORIAL on DATA MINING from SOCIAL, KNOWLEDGE, and SENSOR NETWORKS Babovic, Zoran 1 Bajec, Marko."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ACM SAC, Coimbra, Portugal, March 18-22, TUTORIAL on DATA MINING from SOCIAL, KNOWLEDGE, and SENSOR NETWORKS Babovic, Zoran 1 Bajec, Marko 2 Draskovic, Drazen1 Filipovic, Viktorija 1 Filipovic, Vladimir3 Furlan, Bojan, 1,4 Jelisavcic, Vladisav 4 Kartelj, Aleksandar 3 Komlenac, Damjan 1 Mihajlovic, Aleksandar 4 Milutinovic, Veljko 1,5 Popovic, Aleksandra 6 Protic, Jelica 1 Rakocevic, Goran 4 Tomic, Mihailo 1 1.School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, 2. School of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana 3. School of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, 4. Mathematical institute of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 5. Fellow of the IEEE, Member of the Academia Europaea 6. Philips, USA

2 Table of Contents Mining from Social Networks:
Furlan, Nikolic, Milutinovic:  Intelligent Question Routing Systems Kartelj, Filipovic, Milutinovic: Automated Personality Classification Mining from the Internet: Jelisavcic, Furlan, Protic, Milutinovic: Probabilistic Graphical Models for Text Mining Draskovic: Genetic Search for the Internet Mining from the Medical Databases: Rakocevic: Mining from Medical DataBases, ArtTreat FP7 Mihajlovic, Imputation for DataMining, ArtTreat FP7 Mining from the Sensor Networks: Rakocevic: Algorithms for DataMining in WSNs, ProSense FP7 Babovic: Google-Enhanced Algorithms for Datamining in WSNs, ProSense FP7 Mind Mining: Komlenac: Mindgenomics Filipovic: NeuroEconomy Implementations: Tomic: DARPA Milutinovic: MAXELER

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