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Understanding Your Player

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1 Understanding Your Player
hamzah asyrani sulaiman

2 VandenBerghe’s Five Domains of Play

3 Jason VandenBerghe is a Creative Director who coined this terms.
The Five-Factor Model

4 Novelty Player love unexpected stuff and varieties.

5 Challenge Player eager to get more challenging stuff and proof themselves better than everyone else.

6 Stimulation Social engagement and involving others via social media or online gaming

7 Harmony Cooperative games with involving a group of players but not much of competing between others

8 Threat Dealing with anger, frightening events, unpleasant stuff and experience negative emotions

9 Another Domain: Attitudes to Storytelling
Story or not to story? Another Domain: Attitudes to Storytelling

10 Demographics Categories

11 Men and Women

12 Gender Inclusiveness To attach both sexes, it is recommended to make games that not discourages one group or the other from playing. Sport type game or RPG type game that offers both can play is the great examples

13 A Few Generalities Men and women like to learn differently. Men and women have different attitudes toward risks. Women are more interested in people than things and like to socialize as part of their play experience. Men and women have different conflict resolution styles. Women enjoy mental challenges and finding elegant solutions to problems. Women like to customize their avatars Men have more leisure time and money to spend on gaming

14 Male and Female Players and Characters
Early in the history of video games, most male players does not want to use female characters as their main character. Nowadays, almost all games offer both sexes character. You can choose either male or female characters.

15 Boys and Girls

16 Consideration for children
Hand-eye coordination Logic Development Systematic Thinking Immediate versus long-term goals Visual design Linguistic complexity Experimentation Reading Appropriate Content

17 Seven Kisses of Death for Children Entertatinment
Kids Love Anything Sweet Give 'Em What's Good for 'Em You Gotta Amuse 'Em Always play it safe All kids are created equal Explain Everything Be sure your characters are wholesome

18 Games for Girls KAYE ELLING’s FIVE C’s Characterization Context
Control Customization Creativity Games for Girls

19 Gamer Dedication The 15 measurable qualities of dedicated gamers

20 Technologically savvy
Technologically savvy. Highly dedicated gamers are more familiar with the latest releases and developments and show greater interest in new gaming-related technologies. Have the latest high-end gear. Dedicated gamers will acquire the latest consoles, PC hardware, and mobile devices to keep up to date with the most recent trends. They are more likely to own, or have owned, a wide variety of older game platforms. Willingness to pay. Enthusiasts are more inclined to spend money on games and games-related products. Conversely, casual gamers are more inclined to wait for price discounts and special offers before committing to a purchase. Prefer violent/action games. Kim suggested that hardcore gamers prefer games that show comparatively violent and action-intensive content. Prefer games that have depth and complexity. Dedicated gamers prefer games that deliver greater complexity and that require a longer time to master, regardless of their themes. Gamer Dedication

21 Play games over many long sessions
Play games over many long sessions. Dedicated gamers are likely to devote considerably more time to playing games in a single session. Hunger for gaming-related information. Devouring everything from the latest news, previews, and reviews, to interviews with industry experts, the hardcore gamer actively seeks gaming-related information through the Internet, game magazines, and books, such as strategy guides. Discuss games with friends online. Dedicated gamers like to discuss gaming with others and to visit game-related Internet forums or chat rooms regularly. Play for the exhilaration of defeating (or completing) the game. A dedicated gamer will play persistently for the enjoyment and exhilaration of defeating the game and is likely to be more forgiving of aesthetic flaws such as poor acting or a trivial plot. Much more tolerant of frustration. Hardcore gamers are much more tolerant of difficult games or games that might frustrate them in some way. Casual gamers are more likely to abandon such games. Gamer Dedication

22 Engaged in competition with himself, the game, and other players
Engaged in competition with himself, the game, and other players. Hardcore gamers want to feel the satisfaction and reward of competing and improving their skills against other players and/or computer-controlled opponents. Less dedicated gamers would not, for example, be inclined to play endlessly to reduce their lap-times in Gran Turismo by a fraction of a second, or have the patience to learn every combination attack in Street Fighter, or even to achieve a higher score. Age at which first started playing games. If players started playing at a young age, and have since been regular gamers, then this would indicate those who are more experienced and knowledgeable. Gamers who start playing later in life are seldom as dedicated. Comparative knowledge of the industry. Dedicated gamers are likely to show broader knowledge and awareness of industry activities and trends, new technologies, and game development methods. Less dedicated players may keep track of upcoming releases and game reviews, but not events such as industry layoffs or mergers. Gamer Dedication

23 Early adoption. Dedicated gamers are the ones who attend midnight release events or take extra steps to get hold of games before their official release dates through gray-market imports. Desire to modify or extend games in a creative way. hardcore gamers frequently modify commercial games in a variety of ways. These can range from simple changes such as giving characters new skins to change their appearance to programming “aim-bots,” separate pieces of software that work in concert with an existing game to give the player an unfair advantage over others. Casual gamers seldom take the time to make these kinds of modifications; they tend to play the game as-is out of the box. Gamer Dedication

24 Summary You should now understand
Develop games according to age categories Look upon different aspect for male and female gamers. Strive for inclusiveness

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