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How Tobacco Affects the Body

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1 How Tobacco Affects the Body
Health Mrs. Vogel

2 Fact/ Fiction Did you know that a single puff of tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 harmful chemicals. These chemicals hurt your body’s ability to work. These chemicals can cause cancer in people that smoke In the US 400,000 people die every year from smoking related illnesses. Even if you are not the one using tobacco smoke can still harm you Fact

3 What is in Tobacco? Natural tobacco contains harmful substances that are released when a person smokes or chews Tobacco companies add more harmful ingredients Some of these ingredients are the ones you may find in cleaning products or pest poisons

4 Let’s take a closer look

5 Nicotine Nicotine: is an addictive, or habit-forming, drug found in tobacco Once a person is addicted to nicotine, your body has a strong need or craving for it. A person can become addicted to nicotine very quickly

6 Nicotine Other Effects Heart beats faster Raises blood pressure
Cause dizziness Upset stomach Reduces the amount of Oxygen your body carries to the brain

7 Tar Tar- is a thick, dark liquid that forms when tobacco burns
Tar coats the airways and the linings of the lungs Lungs coated with tar can become diseased

8 What does that look like?

9 Carbon Monoxide Carbon Monoxide- is a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas produced when tobacco burns. When carbon monoxide enters the body it damages the brain and the heart by reducing the amount of oxygen getting to these organs Too much carbon monoxide can KILL a person

10 Other Deadly Substances
What it is Where it is found What is does to the body Cyanide Pest control products Deadly poison Formaldehyde Preservative in laboratory Nasal Cancer Methyl Ethyl Ketone Solvents Central Nervous System Polonium 210 Radioactive Elements Lung tumors/ cancer

11 Forms of Tobacco Tobacco companies harvest the leaves from tobacco plants They dry the leaves and prepare them for people to smoke or chew Tobacco comes in different forms: cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, smokeless tobacco, clove cigarettes, and flavored tobacco

12 Cigarettes Cigarettes contain shredded tobacco leaves
They may have filters These filters do not remove enough chemicals to make cigarettes less dangerous There is no such thing as a SAFE cigarette Even if the tobacco user does not inhale the smoke, the smoke still can affect the person’s health

13 Cigarettes People can buy flavored cigarettes, however they have more chemicals than a regular cigarette Some people smoke clove cigarettes, which contain tobacco and ground spices called cloves. Another smoke flavored tobacco placed in water pipes called hookahs

14 Cigarettes Clove cigarettes and flavor tobacco are just as harmful as regular cigarettes because they contain the same substance that damage the body

15 Cigars and Pipes Cigars and Pipes also contain shredded tobacco leaves
Cigar smoke contains up to 90 times more of the cancer-causing chemicals found in cigarette smoke People who smoke cigars and/or pipes are more likely to develop mouth, tongue, or lip cancer than people who don’t smoke.

16 Smokeless Tobacco Smokeless tobacco comes in two forms: chewing tobacco and snuff Chewing tobacco can also be called “dip” or “spit” tobacco Chemicals in chewing tobacco and snuff do not pass to the lungs, but stay in the mouth Nicotine is absorbed into the tissues and the bloodstream through the digestive tract

17 Smokeless Tobacco Smokeless tobacco contains the same chemicals as cigarettes do.

18 Smokeless Tobacco and the affects

19 Before and After Effects of Chewing Tobacco

20 Tobacco Affects Body Systems
When you smoke, your skin, breath, hair, and clothes smell like smoke. Tobacco use affects the senses of smell and taste Tobacco use can have serious consequences.

21 Respiratory System Tobacco smokes damages the alveoli
Aveoli- the tiny air sacs in the lungs Lungs are less able to supply oxygen to your body This can also cause emphysema Emphysema- a disease that results in the destruction of the aveoli in the lungs When this disease affects a large part of the lungs, it can cause death

22 Digestive System Smoking can lead to the following:
Mouth and stomach ulcers Open sores Harms teeth and gums Causes teeth to yellow and more likely to get cavities and gum disease

23 Nervous System Your brain needs oxygen
Tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide, this can cut down the amount of oxygen that the blood carries to the brain Nicotine reaches the brain in a few seconds and attaches to special receptors The brain adapts to the nicotine and increases the nicotine receptors, this causes tobacco users to need more

24 Nervous System

25 Circulatory System As a person smokes, blood vessels constrict, squeeze together Over time, the blood vessels can harden, which then the blood vessels can not send enough blood and oxygen throughout the body This increases the risk of heart attack and stroke

26 Anti-Tobacco Video

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