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Reconquista and Inquisition

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1 Reconquista and Inquisition
Learning Target 7.42

2 Learning Target 7.42 I can outline the decline of Muslim rule in the Iberian Peninsula that culminated in the Reconquista, Inquisition, and the rise of Spanish and Portuguese kingdoms.

3 The weakening of Muslim control
711 - the Moors (Muslims) invaded the Iberian Peninsula (Spain) Late 900s - Muslim government of Spain had begun to weaken when political & religious leaders fought each other over power. Muslim government fell completely.

4 Reconquista As the Moors’ power declined, Christian kingdoms to the north seized the opportunity to attack. Slowly, they took land away from the Moors. They called this Reconquista (Reconquest). The Reconquista lasted from


6 THE INQUISITION 1232 Heresy- religious ideas that oppose accepted church teachings. Churches sent friars and priests throughout Europe to find possible heretics.

7 Rise of Spain & Portugal
As a result of the victory of Reconquista, Spain and Portugal grew more powerful. In 1469 Prince Ferdinand married Princess Isabella- they became king and queen and ruled all of Spain.

8 The Rule of Ferdinand & Isabella
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella brought an end to the Reconquista. They required all the Spanish Jews to convert to Christianity or leave the country. A few years later they banned the practice of Islam as well. Through the policy, all of Spain became Christian. Think- do you think every single person really converted? Why or why not?

9 Spanish Inquisition Isabella and Ferdinand only wanted Christianity in their kingdom. To ensure that ONLY Christianity was practiced they created the Spanish Inquisition- an organization of priests that looked for and punished anyone in Spain suspected of secretly practicing the old religion. It later spread to Portugal.

10 The Horrors of the Inquisition
Torture was often used to get information about who the heretics were and to get people to confess. Most common forms of torture were strappado and the rack! Inquisitors needed to extract a confession because they believed it was their duty to bring the accused back to the faith. A true confession resulted in the accused being forgiven Many people were imprisoned for years and forgotten. Thousands were killed in the most violent ways of the time…burning at the stake!

11 Recap What two religions were punished for their beliefs during the Middle Ages? What is heresy? How did the Reconquista affect Spanish Jews and Muslims? Who began the Spanish Inquisition and why?

12 Spanish Inquisition Click the link to watch the video (5 minutes).

13 Iberian Peninsula

14 Label the modern-day names of each place shown.

15 Draw the borders between each historic kingdom
Draw the borders between each historic kingdom. Label each historic kingdom in all capital letters Label the kingdom names in a different color than the modern-day names. Create a title box

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