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Council for Teacher Education

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1 Council for Teacher Education
Supporting Students with Disabilities Lori Henehan & Tammie Keney October 2016

2 Overview of Disability Laws
American Disabilities Act (ADA): According to the ADA, a person with a disability is one who: has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity has a record or history of such an impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability, and prohibits covered entities from excluding people from jobs, benefits, services or activities based on disability. Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA): Governing special education programs in high schools and does not apply to postsecondary level.

3 Student Access and Accommodations Process
Students need to self-declare a disability. Confidential process Students need to supply verification of disability. IEP Psychological Report Medical Records Eye exam Hearing test Etc… Accommodations are student and course specific. Commonly Provided Accommodations: Extended testing time (#1) Distraction reduced environment (#2) Note taker Alternate format textbooks Assistive listening device Sign Language Interpreter

4 Digital ID Card Below is an example of a Digital ID Card. The student is instructed to their professor/instructor a copy of their ID card and follow up with a meeting during office hours so that the accommodation(s) they are eligible for in the class can be discussed.

5 Positive Interaction with Students with Disabilities
Effective Communication If you are uncomfortable as to what to do, admit you are unsure and ask the person for advice! Offer assistance before providing it, allowing the person to maintain independence. Do not refer to a person’s disability unless it is relevant.  It a student announces in class they have a disability, ask them to see you after class or during office hours. People with disabilities deserve to be respected like anyone else. Language used should always focus on the person not their disability. Here are some suggestions to use when communicating with or about an individual with a disability.

6 Inappropriate Behavior
A disability does not give a student the right to be threatening or violent. Document inappropriate behavior every time it occurs and refer to supervisor or Redbird Care Team as needed. Important to effectively manage disruptive students- ultimately may impact others.

7 Student Access and Accommodation Services
We are located in Fell Hall 350 (309)

8 Questions?

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