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Research Focused Volunteerism

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1 Research Focused Volunteerism
Janie Irwin CSE, Penn State University CRA-W CAPP Workshop October 2006

2 Government Service NSF
Proposal Review Panels - how to get on one? Research programs – contact program director and volunteer (link to your web page with vitals) EHR education/outreach programs – once again volunteer (e.g., grad fellowships) Topical Focused Workshops how to get invited to one? how to volunteer to (help) organize one?

3 Government Service NSF, continued
NSF/CISE or NSF/EHR Advisory Board by invitation only, so must get some visibility with the NSF program directors/division directors/AD - Spending a year (or two) as an NSF rotator CNSF (Coalition for National Science Funding) Hill Visits – Hill visits – in the fall Research exhibition – in the spring

4 Government Service NRC (National Research Council)
NRC Review Boards (security clearance ?) ARLTAB, ASEB (NASA), AFSB NIST, BAST, . . . Required reading: Gathering Storm CSTB (Computer Sciences & Telecommunications Board) CSTB report panels – how to get on one?

5 Prof Society Service Focus on those parts that help you to work your way into/onto Conference program chair Journal editorial boards with a goal to eventually become Editor-in-Chief how do you get on one? can you (help) start a new journal? Study groups/efforts that are research related e.g., CRA Grand Challenges workshops

6 Conference Service Pick your favorite (few) conference(s) and build a track record within that conference On the “research” side, the goal is to become the program chair (or co-chair) Start by working your way onto the program committee May have to start in a non research role Of course, being invited to give a keynote or feature talk works as well!

7 Conference Service Ask your department head to “volunteer” you to attend the CRA Snowbird Conference the biannual meeting of department heads and other folks sessions on a wide variety of topics of interest to department heads (and others) great way to meet a lot of influential people

8 Other Review/Advisory Boards
Academic departments (usually have to be at the full professor rank) continuing advisory boards one time review boards Writing promotion and tenure reference letters for Assistant Professors Industry advisory boards topical workshops (e.g., Microsoft)

9 Wrap Up Volunteer because its good for the community …
And volunteer because its good for you – it increases your visibility and helps you make connections Don’t volunteer for everything – pick your battles

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