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As Christians we should recognize the coping mechanisms that God has given us.

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2 As Christians we should recognize the coping mechanisms that God has given us.
1 Cor. 10:13 – temptation is common to man Eccl. – there is nothing new under the sun Matt. 4:1-11 – Jesus was tempted 2 Tim. 3:12 – we will suffer persecution 1 Peter 5:8 – the devil is seeking to devour us

3 If we know these things, what should we do?
Some Things About Prayer If we know these things, what should we do? One of the simplest things we can do in trying times is pray.

4 Some Things About Prayer
There is a comfort and release when we talk to God. Our burden may not necessarily go away but it is lifted and we can feel it. We have examples of this in the Bible. Elijah: 1 Kings 17:17-24 – Elijah’s prays for the widow’s son 1 Kings 19:1-18 – God provided for Elijah, his journey and his courage

5 Some Things About Prayer
Luke records many times when Jesus went to pray. Luke 22:43 – When Jesus prayed in the garden angles came and ministered to Him.

6 Some Things About Prayer
Sometimes we don’t have confidence in our self to pray. We come up with reasons we don’t pray; “I’m not good at it”, “I don’t know what to say”, “I’m too busy”.

7 Some Things About Prayer
“I’m too busy.” Jesus was never too busy to pray and we are not as busy as Jesus was. Luke 3:21, 5:16, 6:12, 9:18, 11:1, 22:32

8 Some Things About Prayer
“I don’t know what to say.” You just open your mouth and talk to God. Heb. 4:16 – we come to the throne of God and lay down our troubles and petitions Rom. 8:26-27 – when we don’t know the exact words to say the Holy Spirit is there to intercede for us with the groanings we have but don’t know the words that express

9 Some Things About Prayer
“I’m not good at it.” There is not a “way to pray”. There is a proper and an improper. Matt. 6:6 – you don’t have to pray in your room 1 Tim. 2:8 – you don’t have to hold your hands up in prayer Eph. 3:14 – we don’t have to bow our knees Gen. 17:3 – we don’t have to prostrate ourselves Luke 18:13 – we don’t have to look down and beat our breast

10 Some Things About Prayer
There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of these if you choose to do these in prayer. These represent an attitude that we must have not a physical position or display. You could do all of these or none of them with the wrong attitude. Luke 18:11-12 – the wrong attitude is exhibited in the example

11 Some Things About Prayer
When we pray to God the formula is a simple one. 1. Pray to the Father – Matt. 6:9; Luke 11:2 Matt. 6:6 – to the Father John 14:14 – The Greek reads, “If anything you ask me in the name of me, I will do.” If we have the proper understanding of the Godhead we will understand that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one. If we ask of one, we ask of all. If we pray to one, we pray to all.

12 Some Things About Prayer
2. Pray in the Spirit – Eph. 6:18 1 Cor. 14:15 – pray with understanding James 1:6-8 – ask in faith without doubt and hypocrisy James 4:1-3 – ask for the proper things Rom. 8:28 – remember that all things work for our good

13 Some Things About Prayer
3. Pray in the name of Jesus – John 14:13 John 16:23 – “ask the Father in My name”

14 Some Things About Prayer
The greater aspect of praying in Jesus name is that of recognizing the authority of Jesus. When we pray in His name we are recognizing His authority. Matt. 28:18 – Jesus has all authority Col. 3:17 – whatever we do we must do it recognizing the authority of Jesus Acts 19:13-15 – the Jewish exorcists were not successful because they only said the words but were without the recognition of Jesus’ authority

15 Some Things About Prayer
Pray to the Father Pray in the Spirit Pray in the name of Jesus As we pray we must exhibit the proper attitude, recognition and understanding.

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