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Vocabulary Set 9 English 2.

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1 Vocabulary Set 9 English 2

2 Root: Moni Comes from the Latin verb monere, “to warn” or “to scold.”

3 Admonish Definition: To warn or criticize mildly.
Sentence: The daydreaming student was admonished by the teacher, who told him to pay attention in the future.

4 Monitory Definition: Giving warning; cautionary.
Sentence: Through the fog they could hear the mournful, monitory note of the foghorn.

5 Monitor Definition: To keep track of or watch, usually for a special reason. Sentence: The North’s armored ship the Monitor was designed to monitor the South’s naval activities in the coastal waters.

6 Premonition Definition: (1) A previous warning or notice; forewarning. (2) A feeling about an event or situation before it happens. Sentence: The boy felt a premonition that his report card was not going to be great.

7 Root: Lud/Lus Comes from the Latin verb ludere, “to play,” and ludum, “play” or “game.”

8 Allude Definition: To refer broadly or indirectly.
Sentence: She liked to allude constantly to her glamorous past without ever filling in the details.

9 Collusion Definition: A secret agreement or conspiracy for an illegal or deceptive purpose. Sentence: Cuban cigars have continued to be smoked in this country in spite of the embargo against them because of collusion between Cuban cigar makers and American smugglers.

10 Ludicrous Definition: Laughable because of clear absurdity, falseness, or foolishness. Sentence: At the rodeo, the ludicrous antics of the clown distract the angry bull and entertain the crowd.

11 Prelude Definition: A performance, action, event, or piece of music that precedes and prepares for the more important thing that follows. Sentence: The sound of a symphony orchestra tuning up is the prelude to a night of music.

12 Root: Ver Comes from the Latin word for “truth.”

13 Aver Definition: To state positively as true; declare.
Sentence: The defendant averred that she was nowhere near the scene of the crime on the night in question.

14 Verify Definition: (1) To prove to be true or correct. (2) To check or test the accuracy of. Sentence: It is the bank teller’s job to verify the signature on a check.

15 Verisimilitude Definition: (1) The appearance of the being true or probable. (2) The depiction of realism in art or literature. Sentence: By the beginning of the 20th century, the leading European painters were losing interest in verisimilitude and beginning to experiment with abstraction.

16 Verity Definition: A true fact or statement.
Sentence: Ben Franklin’s statement that “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes” is held as verity by many.

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