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Microprocessor and Assembly Language

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1 Microprocessor and Assembly Language
Lecture-2-Computer Architecture Muhammad Hafeez Department of Computer Science GC University Lahore

2 Today’s Agenda Von Neumann Architecture Harvard Architecture

3 Von Neumann Architecture
Up untill Second World War ( ) computers were used to combat enemy strategy But for a new problem to solve, or carry out a different task the computer has to be re-wired/ almost re-built entirely What was the solution?

4 Von Neumann Architecture
In 1945, a mathematician John Von Neumann proposed the idea of Flexible Computer – Stored Program Computer In the meantime another mathematician proposed similar type of idea – Turing Machine Both of these computers were programmable by storing data/ instruction in the computer memory

5 Von Neumann Architecture
Advantages: Both programs and data were treated equally Easier to re-program by loading/ unloading tasks Stored-Program Computer is called Von Neumann Architecture

6 Von Neumann Architecture

7 Features of Von Neumann Architecture
Memory: The computer will have memory that can hold data and instructions to process that data. Today’s RAM Control Unit: Control unit will manage the processing of data by coordinating between different components of Computer – one at a time Arithmetic and Logic Unit Bus Input/ Output Devices

8 Popularity of Von Neumann Architecture
Most Successful architecture Modern Computers have CU and ALU on its Chip Memory concept is manifested as RAM

9 Bottlenecks of Von Neumann Architecture
Every piece of data has to pass the Data Bus to reach to CPU and Main Memory (called von Neumann bottleneck) CPU spends most of the time waiting for instructions Solutions? Data and Program share the same memory (Memory Management) The rate at which data and instruction are required often different but in von Neumann architecture they both reach at same speed

10 Harvard Architecture Split Program and Data Memory Advantages
Disadvantages Application

11 Machine Instruction Cycle

12 Machine Instruction Cycle
Fetch: The address of instruction moves from PC to AR. The control unit fetches the next instruction from the memory at location pointed by AR into IR, and increments the Program Counter. Decode: The control unit decodes the instruction to determine what the instruction will do. The instructions input operands are passed to the ALU, and signals are sent to the ALU indicating the operation to be performed

13 Machine Instruction Cycle
Fetch operands: If the instruction uses an input operand located in memory, the control unit uses a read operation to retrieve the operands and copy it into data registers (DR) Execute: The ALU executes the instruction using the Accumulator register and data register as operands and sends the output to Accumulator register and/or memory. The ALU updates status flags providing information about the processor state. Store output operand: If the output operand is in memory, the control unit uses a write operation to store the data

14 CPU Performance Depends Upon Memory Read/ Write

15 Reading From Memory Cycle 1: The address bits of memory operands are placed on Address Bus (ADDR) Cycle 2: The Read Line (RD) is set low, indicating memory that a read operation is to be performed Cycle 3: CPU waits for Memory to respond, during this cycle memory controller places the operand on data bus (DATA) The Read Line (RD) set high indicating the CPU to read data from data bus.

16 Memory Delays How to solve this speed mismatch?

17 Size of Memory A Kilobyte = 1024 Bytes
A Megabyte = 1024 Killobytes = 220 or (1,048,576 Bytes) 1 million A Gigabyte = 230 or 1 billion bytes A Terabyte = 240 or 1 trillion bytes Example: A computer has 16MB Memory, How many bytes?

18 Data Bus And Address Bus
Data Bus: Bi-Directional Bus to carry data in/out of RAM, more wider the bus more data can travelled .. Cost increase too Address Bus: Uni-Directional Address lines of Address Bus determine number of locations of memory to be addressed e.g. x lines can address 2x memory location, each location usually hold 1 byte of contents, memory called byte addressable memory Number of address lines required to address 1K memory?

19 Registers of CPU A location within CPU to hold temporary data and instructions General Purpose Registers Special Purpose Registers But we will discuss registers in more generic way, a specialized register with respect to specific architecture will be discussed later

20 Registers of CPU More General Type of Registers Program Counter
Instruction Register Address Register Data Registers Accumulator Program Status Word or Flag Register I/O Registers Note: No Registers with these name exist in today’s computers

21 Questions ??????????????????????????

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