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Art Club First Meeting – 9/12

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1 Art Club First Meeting – 9/12

2 What We Do! We do art projects around the school, perhaps around the city of Hammond if the opportunity arises. We take field trips to do art-related stuff. We work on projects and share what we know in terms of technique and process.

You won’t always hear announcements or I’ll need to share info quickly with you, so get on the Art Club Remind! Text and type the Or go to to sign up

4 Officer Position Tryouts
Must stay after school on Tuesday Sept 19 to do a Q&A…which will start immediately at 2:30. (If you can’t make it because of Drivers Ed or another unavoidable conflict, let me know.) Ms. Stovall and I will interview you individually and ask you a few questions, so think about what it means to be a leader and what you want for the future of the Art Club. Remember, colleges look highly upon potential students who were officers in school organizations.

5 Officer Positions All MUST be able to attend Officer Meetings, which will meet for around thirty minutes once a month. It will be on a Tuesday that we don’t meet unless a better time is agreed upon. As an officer, you’re expected to be able to attend the majority of our formal meetings, ideally all of them. All officers will have their input put into art club decisions. Ms. Hintz can and will remove an officer from their position if they fail to perform their duties. I am looking for LEADERS WITH DRIVE. Be proactive!

6 Officer Positions President
Must be Junior/Senior – Art 2-4 – 2nd year in Art Club Needs to be able to lead and set the example for the rest of the club, keep the club on task, and willing to go above and beyond to be prepared for club events. I want someone who wants to get in front of the club and help lead our projects. This is real life experience… don’t run from it! Vice President Must be Junior/Senior – Art 2-4 Needs to be able to lead when the president is not present Needs to assist in maintaining order, help the president when work needs to be shared, and assist with small group situations where we’re divided in different areas on a project.

7 Officer Positions Secretary Must be responsible and organized
Will keep the record on who attends meetings and who earns points in the club Bonus: comfortable with making tables or working with simple spreadsheets. Reporter Good with taking pictures, shares them with Ms. Hintz and Jostens for the yearbook. Adequate smart phone camera or a good digital camera Will manage an HHMS Art Club Instagram for members to post art.

8 The points system You earn points for being active in Art Club.
Those points earn art-related prizes at the end of the year. Think free art materials. Enter contests, attend meetings, paint murals/sets, fundraise, etc.

9 T-shirts! Here is the t-shirt design for this year…. I tried to combine a bunch of elements from last year’s entries as well as possible (style of letter, elements, etc.) It will still change a little bit, not 100% happy with it yet. :P $12… pay by the end of the month and give me your shirt size, so I can make my orders!

10 Upcoming projects and contests!
A field trip to the Walter Anderson Museum in and Shearwater Pottery in Ocean Springs – Oct? Halloween costume party… perhaps with other Tangi art clubs The Doodle for Google art contest Scholastic Art and Writing contest The Vans custom shoe design competition Maybe an Art Walk? Art Shows! Design the club t-shirt for next year Fundraising???

11 Upcoming projects and contests!
Helping with the Theatre department’s set painting in the spring The HRAC’s Hammond Mardi Gras Parade Christmas party and end of the year party Art tutorials by Ms. Hintz and club members Free Drawing days and group art projects (comic, etc.) Miscellaneous HHMS art projects still being worked out… Painting a mural at HHMS   

12 The HHMS Bathroom Door Mural Competition!
We are designing murals for both the boys and girls bathroom doors! We want to have something inspirational and positive on the doors. Images and words combined. Can have multiple elements but don’t get crazy busy with the design! Dimensions - ___________ Should we do all-color or purple, black, and white??? YOU GET CLUB POINTS FOR ENTERING AND FOR HAVING YOUR DESIGN PICKED FOR THE MURAL!

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