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Online/Offline OR Composition of ∑-Protocols

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Presentation on theme: "Online/Offline OR Composition of ∑-Protocols"— Presentation transcript:

1 Online/Offline OR Composition of ∑-Protocols
Michele Ciampi DIEM Università di Salerno ITALY Giuseppe Persiano DISA-MIS Università di Salerno ITALY Alessandra Scafuro Boston University and Northeastern University USA Luisa Siniscalchi DIEM Università di Salerno ITALY Ivan Visconti DIEM Università di Salerno ITALY

2 Proofs of Knowledge (PoKs)
A fundamental crypto tool with many applications Identification Schemes Simulation-Based Security E-Voting Systems Useful in cryptography when the witness is protected: Witness Indistinguishable (WI), Witness Hiding (WH), Zero Knowledge (ZK) e.g., prove knowledge of one thing OR another thing OR …

3 Proofs of Knowledge (PoKs)
Observation: neither [LS90] nor [Schnorr89] need theorem+ witness Observation: [LS90] and [Schnorr89] need the theorem and witness only in the last round In theory In practice x∈L ∑-protocol for R x= gy P V gr c r+cy e.g. Discret Log [Schnorr89]) “(x, y) in RDlog” G NP-reduction x “(G, C) in RHAM” WI Proof of Knowledge of Hamiltonicity [Blum86, LapidotShamir90] P V m1 m2 m3

4 ∑-protocol for relation R
x P(w) V Completeness SHVZK Sim(x,c)⇒ Special Soundness a c z a’ c z’ x, (a c z) x, (a c’ z’) w: (x,w)∈ R

5 WI Proof of Knowledge of Hamiltonicity
R0 OR R1 Consider the ∑-protocols 𝛴0 and 𝛴1 for R0 and R1 and compile them using [CramerDamgardSchoenmakers94] G NP-reduction (x0 V x1) WI Proof of Knowledge of Hamiltonicity [Blum86, LS90] P In theory In practice In both cases you get 3 rounds, WI and PoK “(G, C) in RHAM”

6 x0 and x1 are needed already No need to know any theorem
R0 OR R1: The Gap In theory In practice G NP-reduction (x0 V x1) WI Proof of Knowledge of Hamiltonicity [Blum86, LS90] P Consider the ∑-protocols 𝛴0 and 𝛴1 for R0 and R1 and compile them using [CramerDamgardSchoenmakers94] “(G, C) in RHAM” x0 and x1 are needed already at the 1rd round No need to know any theorem already at the 1rd round

7 R0 OR R1: The Gap In theory In practice [LS90] [CDS94]
Delayed-Input Completeness Completeness

8 Delayed-Input Completeness
x (w) P V a c z

9 R0 OR R1: The Gap In theory In practice [LS90] [CDS94]
Delayed-Input Completeness Adaptive-Input Proof of Knowledge Completeness Proof of Knowledge

10 Adaptive-Input PoK P* Extractor x x’ a x (a,c,z) c’ c x’ (a,c’,z’) z
w witness for x

11 R0 OR R1: The Gap In theory In practice [LS90] [CDS94]
Delayed-Input Completeness Adaptive-Input Proof of Knowledge Adaptive-Input Witness Indistinguishable Completeness Proof of Knowledge Witness Indistinguishable

12 Adaptive-Input WI (x,w1,w2) P (wb) V* a c z w1,w2 witnesses for x

13 R0 OR R1: The Gap In theory In practice [LS90] [CDS94]
Delayed-Input Completeness Adaptive-Input Proof of Knowledge Adaptive-Input Witness Indistinguishable Assumption: OWP Completeness Proof of Knowledge Witness Indistinguishable Assumption: none

14 R0 OR R1: The Gap In theory In practice [LS90] [CDS94]
Delayed-Input Completeness Adaptive-Input Proof of Knowledge Adaptive-Input Witness Indistinguishable Assumption: OWP Requires NP-reduction and gives Computational WI Completeness Proof of Knowledge Witness Indistinguishable Assumption: none No NP-reduction and gives Perfect WI

15 R0 OR R1: The Gap In theory In practice [LS90] [CDS94]
Delayed-Input Completeness Adaptive-Input Proof of Knowledge Adaptive-Input Witness Indistinguishable Assumption: OWP Requires NP-reduction and gives Computational WI Applicable to All NP Completeness Proof of Knowledge Witness Indistinguishable Assumption: none No NP-reduction and gives Perfect WI Restricted to ∑-protocols

16 R0 OR R1 The Gap Recently Delayed-Input completeness is widely used
A larger protocols using [CDS94] instead of [LS90] may have a worse round complexity e.g. [Pass – Eurocrypt 03], [KaOs – Crypto 04], [YuZh – Eurocrypt 07][ScVi – Eurocrypt 12][GRRV – FOCS 14]… [GMPP16 – tomorrow], [Kiayias0Z15 – CCS15], [BBKPV16 – eprint]… Recently Delayed-Input completeness is widely used

17 1) From PoK to Adaptive-Input PoK
Our Results 1) From PoK to Adaptive-Input PoK 2) Bridging the gap

18 Our First Result: from PoK to Adaptive-Input PoK
∑-Protocols (in general) are not Adaptive-Input PoK x= gy P* gr c z=r+cy Extractor c’ x’= gy’ z’=r+c’y’ Issue observed in [BernhardPereiraWarinschi12] about weak Fiat-Shamir transform

19 Our Transform From PoK to Adaptive-Input PoK P V gr’ gr c z=r’+cr
x= gy P gr c z=r+cy V gr’ z=r’+cr Our transform applies to the class described in [Cramer96, Maurer15, CramerDamgard98] e.g. Schnorr, Guillou–Quisquater, Diffie–Hellman, Multiplication proof for pedersen commitments, …

20 1) From PoK to Adaptive-Input PoK
Our Results 1) From PoK to Adaptive-Input PoK 2) Bridging the gap

21 R0 OR R1: Bridging the Gap In theory In practice [LS90] [CDS94]
Delayed-Input Completeness Adaptive-Input PoK Adaptive-Input WI Assumption: OWP Works with multiple OR compositions Requires NP-reduction and gives Computational WI Applicable to All NP Completeness Proof of Knowledge Witness Indistinguishable Assumption: none Works with multiple OR compositions No NP-reduction and gives Perfect WI Restricted to ∑-protocols [CPS+ TCC 2016-A] This work Semi-Delayed Input Completeness Proof of Knowledge Semi-Adaptive Input WI: one of two instances is adaptively chosen by V* Assumption: none Works with only one OR composition No NP-reduction and gives Perfect WI Restricted to (a large class of) ∑-protocols Delayed-Input Completeness: All input ∑-protocols have to be Delayed-Input Proof of Knowledge Adaptive-Input WI Assumption: DDH Works with multiple OR compositions No NP-reduction and gives Computational WI Restricted to (a large class of) ∑-protocols

22 Comparison: Summary Adaptive WI OWP Delayed-Input (all adaptive)
Assumption Completeness Adaptive WI Adaptive PoK Online Efficiency [LS90] OWP Delayed-Input (all adaptive) k out of n NP-reduction [CDS94] / k out of n* Entire protocol [CPSSV16] Semi-Delayed Input (1 adaptive) This work DDH <=CDS94

23 Our Construction: Tools
At least k are perfectly binding Sen Rec com=((com1, com2, …, comn), 𝚷) n-k commitments can be equivocated (K,N) Trapdoor Commitment ⅀: Delayed-Input ∑-protocol for the relation R Sim⅀: SHVZK simulator for ⅀ ComKN(m1, m2, …, mn) OpenKN(m1*, m2*, …, mn-k*) com dec

24 Our Construction: Main Idea
e.g. k=1, n=2 R OR R P V x1,x2 P⅀ a1, a2 com=ComKN(a1, a2) c wb P⅀(xb,wb,a1, c) z1 Sim⅀(x1-b,c) a* z* a1 OpenKN(com, a*) dec -Is dec a valid opening for a* and a1 w.r.t com? -Is (a*, c ,z*) accepting for ⅀? -Is (a1, c ,z1) accepting for ⅀?

25 How to Construct an Efficient (K,N) Trapdoor Commitment
(ga,gb,gab) ≈ (ga,gb,gc) How to Construct an Efficient (K,N) Trapdoor Commitment Ingredient 1: DDH DH tuple non-DH tuple

26 How to Construct an Efficient (K,N) Trapdoor Commitment
Ingredient 2: Instance dependent trapdoor commitment (IDTC) from DDH Given T=(ga,gb,gc) Com(T,m) ⇒ dec, com Binding Perfect Hiding Computational If T is NDH Binding Computational Equivocal If T is DH Constructions of IDTC follow directly from known constructions of Trapdoor Commitments from ∑-Protocols [Dam10, HL10, DN02]

27 How to Construct an Efficient (K,N) Trapdoor Commitment
At least k are perfectly binding Select T1, T2, …, Tn Run Com(Ti,mi) ⇒ (deci,comi) for i=1,…,n and send (com1, com2, …, comn) Prove with 𝚷 that at least k of the n tuples T1, T2, …, Tn are non-DH (prove with [CDS94]) Sen Rec (com1, com2, …, comn), 𝚷

28 Prove with 𝚷 that at least k of the n tuples T1, T2, …, Tn are non-DH
e.g. k=1, n=2 T1=(ga1,gb1,gc1) T1’=(ga1,gb1,ga1・b1) T2’=(ga2,gb2,gc3) T2=(ga2,gb2,gc2) P V 𝚷CDS94: “T1’ is DH OR T2’ is DH” V accept ⇔ One out of T1, T2 is a non-DH tuple

29 More Results of Our Work
Our previous construction woks for any (k,n) In the paper you can also find a construction that works for different NP-relations (e.g. RDlog or RDH) (This construction is non-trivial ad uses as a sub-protocol the construction showed before) We give also a compiler that transform a ∑-Protocol (belonging to the class described in [Cra96, Mau15, CD98]) in an Adaptive-Input PoK Open problem Is it possible to extend adaptive PoK to a larger class of ∑- Protocols?

30 thanks

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