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Greek and Latin Root Words

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Presentation on theme: "Greek and Latin Root Words"— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek and Latin Root Words
Group #1

2 acro

3 acro high

4 Words containing the root acro
Acropolis: a citadel or fortified part of an ancient Greek city, typically built on a hill

5 Words containing the root acro
Acrobat: One who is skilled in feats of balance and agility in gymnastics, often performed high in the air.

6 cata

7 cata down, against

8 Words containing the root cata
catatonic: in an immobile or unresponsive stupor

9 Words containing the root cata
catacomb: An underground cemetery of connecting passageways with recesses for tombs

10 mis

11 mis incorrect, bad

12 Words containing the root word mis
misanthrope: a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society misunderstand: to not interpret something correctly

13 miso

14 miso hating, wrong

15 Word containing the root word miso
Misogamist: a person who hates marriage

16 cy

17 cy action, function

18 Words containing the root word cy
hesitancy: brief or short pause Prophecy: the foretelling or prediction of what is to come

19 clam, claim

20 clam, claim to cry out

21 Words containing the root clam or claim
exclamation: a loud cry of fear or anger proclamation: a public and official announcement

22 cub, cumb

23 cub, cumb lean back, lie down

24 Words containing the root words cub or cumb
Encumber: restrict or burden (someone or something) in such a way that free action or movement is difficult Recumbent : in a position of leaning back; lying down

25 gest

26 gest to carry, bear

27 Words containing the root word gest
gestation: the period of pregnancy gestatorial: relating to the chair on which the Pope is carried on ceremonial occasions

28 neur

29 neur nerve

30 Words containing the root word neur
Neurological: relating to the nerves or nervous system Neurosis: a relatively mild mental disorder, characterized by symptoms such as hysteria, anxiety, depression, or obsessive behavior

31 man

32 man hand

33 Words containing the root word man
Manufacture: to make or produce Manual: to do something by hand Manicure: To trim, clean, and polish the fingernails

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