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Analysis and Design of Al-Affori hotel
12/15/2015 An-Najah National University Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Analysis and Design of Al-Affori hotel Prepared by: 1.Haytham Saed Yahya 2.Khaleel Lahham 3.Odai Bassam Younis Supervised by: Dr. Imad AL-Qasim
Outlines:- Chapter 1. Introduction.
Chapter 2. Preliminary Design Of Slabs. Chapter 3. Preliminary Design Of Beams. Chapter 4. 3-D modeling. Chapter 5. Preliminary Design Of Columns. Chapter 6. Preliminary Design Of Footings.
Abstract Al-Afforri hotel is one of a famous hotels
which is located in Nablus city, it will be analyzed and designed in this project . This hotel project consists of eleven floors with a total area equals m2.
Overview Structural models will be analyzed designed by using computer software ( SAP2000 ), and the results will be checked by hand calculations, also, (Autocad) program will be used in drawing sections and other details. The structural elements will be designed as reinforced concrete members according to strength and serviceability criteria, as specified in the ( ACI )specification, and for seismic design the ( UBC-97 )code will be used.
Chapter One Introduction
12/15/2015 Chapter One Introduction
Philosophy of analysis & design:
12/15/2015 Philosophy of analysis & design: The building will be analyzed and designed using SAP program. All loads will be considered in the design, including dead, live, and seismic loads. Seismic design will increase the cost of design, but it will save lives, and buildings from collapse, so it is very important design. Strength Design Method will be used in design, this method is based on the ultimate strength of the structural members assuming failure condition, whether due to crushing of the concrete or the yield of the reinforcing steel.
design criteria: - Materials: 1.Structural materials.
-concrete (fc` = 28 MP , Ec = 25000MPa) -steel (Fy = 420MPa, Es = MPa) 2.Non-structural materials. -sand , mortar and tile. -Soil properties: qall = 100KN/m2.
-Loads: 1. Gravity loads. -dead load (SID=3
-Loads: 1. Gravity loads. -dead load (SID=3.28 KN/m2) -live load: Basement floors = 5 KN/m2 Ground floors = 7 KN/m2 Repeated floors = 4 KN/m2 2.Lateral loads. -Wind load, which is neglected. -seismic load.
-The structure is located in Nablus area which is classified as zone 2B according to Palestine seismic Map. -The seismic zone factor, Z = 0.2 -The soil type is soft limestone, soil class SD -The important factor, I=1 -The ductility factor, R=5.5 -Seismic coefficients ( Ca = 0.28 & Cv = 0.4 ) R) respectively. -Numerical coefficient (Ct).
-Load combinations: U = 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr or S or R).
U = 1.2D + 1.6(Lr or S or R) + (1.0L or 0.5W) . U = 1.2D + 1.0W + 1.0L + 0.5(Lr or S or R) . U = 1.2D + 1.0E + 1.0L + 0.2S. U = 0.9D + 1.0W. U = 0.9D + 1.0E.
المسقط الأفقي للطابق الأرضي
المسقط الأفقي للطابق المتكرر
12/15/2015 الواجهة الشمالية الواجهة الشرقية
Preliminary Design of Slabs
Chapter Two Preliminary Design of Slabs
Structural system: -In this project, The system is the use of one way solid slab with dropped beams. -In this type of slabs, the load is distributed in one way direction. -When the ratio of the longer to the shorter side (L/ B) of the slab is at least equal to 2.0, it is called one-way slab.
structural layout (units in mm)
Slab thickness: (repeated floors)
-According to ACI code the slab, thickness = L/24 = 7.27/24 = 0.303m -Use slab thickness, h = 0.30m and d = 0.25m.
Load calculations: -Slab own weight = 7.5 KN/m2
-Superimposed load = 3.28 KN/m2 -Live load = 4 KN/m2 Wu slab = 1.2 ( ) (4) = KN/m2 A one meter strip can be taken to represent the whole slab. Wu slab = * 1m = KN/m W wall = 22 KN/m Shear design: Flexure design:
No shear reinforcement shall be used.
Vu = KN ɸ Vc = KN Vu < ɸ Vc ----OK. No shear reinforcement shall be used.
Mu + = KN.m ρ = As = (5Φ16/m) or (1Φ16/200mm) As min = (3Φ16/m) Mu - = KN.m ρ =
No shear reinforcement shall be used.
(ground floor) -Use slab thickness, h = 0.30m and d = 0.25m. Vu = KN ɸ Vc = KN Vu < ɸ Vc ----OK. No shear reinforcement shall be used. Mu + = KN.m ρ = As = (6Φ16/m) As min = (3Φ16/m) Mu - = KN.m ρ = As = (6Φ16/m
Preliminary Design of Beams
Chapter Three Preliminary Design of Beams
-Beams are structural elements carrying external loads, which cause bending moments and shear forces along their length and transfer them to the columns.
Cross section of interior beam (B1)
Cross section of exterior beam (B2)
Loads on Beams: Repeated floors: Interior Beam (B1): Total load in the interior beam = 206 KN/m Exterior Beam (B2): Total load in the exterior beam = 97 KN/m Ground floor: Interior Beam (B1): Total load in the interior beam = 260 KN/m Exterior Beam (B2): Total load in the exterior beam = 108 KN/m
Design for Flexure: repeated floors(B1): Mu + = 422.40 KN.m
ρ = As = (7Φ20/m) Mu - = KN.m ρ = As = (8Φ20/m)
Design for Flexure: repeated floors(B2): Mu + = 438.72 KN.m
ρ = As = (7Φ20/m) Mu - = KN.m ρ = As = (8Φ20/m)
Design for Shear: repeated floors(B1): Vc = 264.6 KN Vn = 541.64 KN
Vs = KN Vs,max = 1058 KN Vs < Vs,max ( the beam size is ok ). Try ᶲ10mm stirrups Use S = 150mm, 2 legs stirrups.
Design for Shear: repeated floors(B2): Vc = 211.6 KN Vn = 568 KN
Vs = KN Vs,max = KN Vs < Vs,max ( the beam size is ok ). Try ᶲ10mm stirrups Use S = 100mm, 2 legs stirrups.
Design for Flexure: ground floor (B1): ground floor (B2):
Mu + = KN.m ρ = As = (6Φ20/m) Mu - = KN.m ρ = As = (7Φ20/m) ground floor (B2): Mu + = KN.m ρ = As = (5Φ20/m) Mu - = KN.m ρ = As = (7Φ20/m)
Design for Shear: ground floor (B1): Try ᶲ10mm stirrups
Use S = 100mm, 2 legs stirrups. ground floor (B2):
Chapter Four 3D-Modeling
-This chapter includes 3D model for the project
-This chapter includes 3D model for the project. The sections for slabs, beams, and columns are defined. -The structure is represented as a whole on SAP, the columns and beams are represented as frame section as their properties. .
Define Beams modifications:
-Column = 0.70 -Slab = 0.25 Define load cases: The load cases of gravity and seismic forces are defined, and Load case data-response spectrum in X, Y-direction. Define load combinations: U1= 1.4(D+SID) U2= 1.2(D+SID) + 1.6(L) U3= 1.34(D+SID) + 1(L) + 1.5(X) U4= 1.34(D+SID) + 1(L) + 1.5(Y) U5= 0.76(D+SID) + 1.5(X) U6= 0.76(D+SID) + 1.5(Y)
Define Response spectrum function:
The analysis for seismic loads is based on dynamic analysis using response spectrum function of UBC97, so response spectrum function is defined as shown.
response spectrum function as defined in UBC97 code
Assign masses: The mass in the structural model is very important in the model analysis and in dynamic analysis for seismic loads. The masses of structural elements are defined using define mass source dialog box as shown.
Deformed shape for structure
-Check design base shear:
*Seismic check, -At modal number 22 we have Sum UX & Sum UY = 91% > 90%.....ok -Check design base shear:
T = (40.16)0.75 = 1.17 sec. W = DL + SID LL = ( ) = KN
-Check design of story drift:
Preliminary Design of Columns
Chapter Five Preliminary Design of Columns
-Columns are verticals compression members of structural frames that carried loads from the upper floors levels, then to the soil through the foundations. The columns were classified as grouping according the range of axial loads, the range of axial force in all columns in building were (488 KN – KN) or (48 ton – 1419 ton), then loads can be classified into three groups as follows: Group ( A ): ( 0 – 3000 KN ). Group ( B ): ( 3000 – 6000 KN ). Group ( C ): ( 6000 – 9000 KN ). Group ( D ): ( 9000 – KN ).
columns grouping in building:
Group ID Column ID MAX. LOAD A C1 , C7 , C8 , C9 , C16 , C21 , C22 , C23 , C27 C23 = 2738 kN B C4 , C5 , C12 , C19 , C24 , C25 C4 = 5927 KN C C2 , C3 , C10 , C11 , C13 , C14 , C17 , C18 , C26 C2 = 8340 KN D C6 , C15 , C20 C15 = KN
-Preliminary Design: -Required spacing, according to ACI318-11 code:
S ≤ 16 db S ≤ 48 ds S ≤ Least lateral dimension of column
Design Summary:
12/15/2015 -The relation of maximum axial load versus bending moment for the column will be drown as shown in figure below: Interaction diagram for column 2 and the point which lie within the curve
Cross section of Column (Group A) Cross section of Column (Group B)
Cross section of Column (Group C) Cross section of Column (Group D)
Preliminary Design of Footings
Chapter Six Preliminary Design of Footings
-Footings are structural elements that transmit column or wall loads to the underlying soil below the structure. -The raft foundation is a kind of combined footing that may cover the entire area under the structure supporting several columns in one rigid body. In this project, If spread footings used, the area of the footing required will be big as will be shown later. In this big spread footing condition, the raft foundation could be much practical and economical. -In this project, the raft will be designed as flat plate, which has a uniform thickness and without any beams.
Raft layout
1.Check punching shear for finding the depth of mat:
Raft model
2.Check deflection: -Max deflection = 2.34 mm < 10 mm…..ok
Design for flexure : Moment diagram in both directions: M M22
Steel reinforcement in both directions:
Thanks for your attention
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