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Miss Bryant TA – Ms Agnes & Miss Allday

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1 Miss Bryant TA – Ms Agnes & Miss Allday
Welcome to Year 4 Miss Bryant TA – Ms Agnes & Miss Allday

2 Topics Key Stage 2 topics for Autumn Term – Roman Rulers
Spring Term –Rainforest Summer Term – What’s it like in…? Science Topic – Teeth, Digestion and Food Chains. English – The Iron Man

3 Behaviour The school follows the traffic light system to promote positive behaviour amongst children. Green = non-verbal warning. Amber = verbal warning then miss 5 minutes of play. Red = name recorded in behaviour folder and the parent/carer will be contacted to discuss how we can work together to promote positive behaviour strategies. Star of the Week, House Points, and Headteacher’s award.

4 P.E. and Music P.E. will be on Tuesday and Friday.
All children should have their P.E. kit for all sessions and will change at school. All clothing and bags should be labelled. Hounslow Music sessions will be on Thursday. Please ensure instruments are brought into school.

5 Homework Homework will be set on a Thursday on the school website. The return dates for different pieces will be on the bottom of the page. Classes/year 4/ Year 4 Homework. Encourage your child to do their homework independently, supporting them where needed. If a mistake is made, please cross it out using a ruler. Arithmetic test – Tuesday Spellings test - Thursday

6 Daily Reading Books will be changed once a week.
Please sign the homework diary every day. 2 books will be given out – fiction and non-fiction. Engage in discussion about the book – can your child comprehend and answer questions about the story?

7 Important Dates Tuesday 31st October – Parents Evening
Tuesday 7th November – KS2 Romans Trip Wednesday 29th November – Class Assembly

8 Contact If you wish to meet with me, Mrs Collis will arrange a mutually convenient appointment. If you need to notify me about something please send a note in or wait until all the children have been collected after school. The school office should be notified of any absences or appointments.

9 Follow us! You can stay up to date with us on Twitter @Year4_StMarys
Information regarding assemblies, important dates, productions, snow closure etc. will be found on the website.

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