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Aim: Standing Wave Lab Draw the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Harmonic for a Standing Wave! I will randomly call people up to the board to draw their waves!

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Standing Wave Lab Draw the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Harmonic for a Standing Wave! I will randomly call people up to the board to draw their waves!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Standing Wave Lab Draw the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Harmonic for a Standing Wave! I will randomly call people up to the board to draw their waves!

2 Measuring Parameters of a Wave
Goal: we are going to use a standing wave to measure and investigate the affect of the amplitude, frequency, period, and wavelength on the speed of a transverse wave. Prediction: Which of the four parameters do you think can be used to determine the speed of the wave and why. Background: in a paragraph, please define all bolded words above. Diagram: Draw a diagram of a transverse wave and label all the parts of the wave. Materials Slinky, stopwatch, meter stick

3 Procedure Using a slinky, we will create a standing wave between two people standing 4 meters apart. Once person will establish a frequency that will produce a standing wave vibrating at its fundamental frequency with an amplitude of 0.5 meters Once the wave is established, the timers will time how long it takes for 15 oscillations. Record the values in the table This will be repeated for an amplitude of 1m. The frequency will then be changed to produce a standing wave in the 2nd harmonic and steps 3-4 will be repeated. Create a wave in the 3rd harmonic and repeat steps 3-4 Create a wave in the 4th harmonic and repeat steps 3-4

4 Data Amplitude of 0.5m Amplitude of 1.0m wave-length (m)
Time for 20 (s) Period (s) Frequency (Hz) Speed (m/s) Period (s)

5 Analysis Show a sample calculation for each of the following Period of the wave Frequency of the wave Speed of the wave. What formula did you come up with to calculate this? (hint: use the units!) Percent difference between velocities. Do they appear different? Conclusion Restate goal What is the formula for the speed of the wave? What parameters affect the speed, which don’t? If the frequency was changed, did the speed or the wavelength change? How could you change the speed of this wave? Sources of error/one future experiment

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