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My life on a digital scale

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1 My life on a digital scale
By Sawyer Haney about Sawyer Haney

2 My History of Tech First use of a laptop(2002) and first owed laptop was three years ago(2010) which was a dell and recently received a mac book pro.(2013) Received my first smart phone when I was 15 which was an iPhone 4 and got my second smart phone when I was 17 which was an iPhone 5. My first cell phone was when I was 8 years old and my second three years later that was called the quickfire and that was with first phone with AT&T with all before that being with Sprint. My first and only tablet is a iPad 2 and was bought when I was 15. My first gaming device was a Nintendo DS and I got that when I was 6 in My first gaming console was an Xbox 360 and I got it from my friend and then it got the ring of fire and then bought a new console.

3 My Usage My laptop, I use this device to work on school work, as well as watch YouTube, Facebook and for work I use the laptop for Graphic Designs. My tablet is used for entertainment and games. Such as pool and fifa. I use my smart phone for texting and calling mostly but it’s used for entertainment and games as well to keep my calendar. My Xbox is used completely for entertainment. I play video games, try betas and watch TV shows and movies on Netflix. Socializing-orange Entertainment-green Work-blue Games-purple Device-red

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