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Deep Dermal Heating to Optimize Skin fitness

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1 Deep Dermal Heating to Optimize Skin fitness
The most researched and peer-reviewed infra-red solution for dermal heating for all skin types

2 Overview

3 Clearances U.S. Clearances Cleared for topical heating for the purpose of elevating tissue temperature for the temporary increase in local circulation where applied International Clearances Cleared for the treatment of wrinkles in Europe Cleared for general dermatological use in Canada 3

4 Regenerate collagen and elastin
What is Titan? The Titan is a non-invasive procedure that applies a novel, tailored infrared light source to both contract collagen and stimulate of new collagen deposition. Titan’s light source generates energy from 1100 to 1800 nm for safe and effective volumetric heating of dermis. No other device has the same technology, efficacy and clinical studies supporting their precuts claims. Patients of all skin types may be treated with Titan tear-round. IR heat up water in dermis up to 55 deg C Stimulate collagen and elastin Regenerate collagen and elastin

5 Technical Information

6 Titan Wavelength Range: 1100-1800nm
This wavelength range penetrates deep into the dermis and targets water; however, water absorption is not so high that we see ablation or coagulation Melanin Hemoglobin Infrared Water Titan A filter at 1400nm prevents overheating in the dermis

7 Titan Technology Optimized Water Absorption for Dermal Heating
IPL Titan

8 Clinical Information

9 Titan Peer-Review Publications – Continued Research
Zelickson B, Ross V, Kist D, Counters J, Davenport S, Spooner G. Ultrastructural Effects of an Infrared Handpiece on Forehead and Abdominal Skin. Dermatologic Surgery 2006;32: Taub A, Battle E, Nikolaidis G. Multicenter Clinical Perspectives on a Broadband Infrared Light Device for Skin Tightening. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology 2006;5: Ruiz-Esparza J. Near painless, Non-ablative, Immediate Skin Contraction Induced by Low- Fluence Irradiation with New Infrared Device: A Report of 25 patients. Dermatologic Surgery 2006;32: Koike S, Ogawa R, Aoki R, Hyakusoku H. Intradermal Change Resulting From Irradiation with Broadband Infrared Light (Titan). Journal of the Japan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2006;28:39-41. Goldberg D, Hussain M, Fazeli A, Berlin A. Treatment of Skin Laxity of the Lower Face and Neck in Older Individuals with a broad-spectrum infrared light device. Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy 2007; 9: 35-40 Chua S, Ang P, Khoo LSW, Goh C. Nonablative Infrared Skin Tightening in Type IV to V Asian Skin: A Prospective Clinical Study. Dermatologic Surgery 2007;33: Bunin L, Carniol P. Cervical Facial Skin Tightening with an Infrared Device. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Volume 15, Issue 2, Pages (May 2007) Ahn J, Han T, Lee C, Seo S, Hong C. Effect of a New Infrared Light Device ( nm) on Facial Lifting. Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine ;49-51 Carniol P, Dzopa N, Fernandes N, Carniol E, Renzi A. Facial Skin Tightening with an nm Infrared Device. Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy. 2008;10:67-71 Chan H, Yu C, Shek S, Yeung C, Kono T, Wei, W. A Prospective, Split Face, Single-Blinded Study Looking at the Use of an Infrared Device with Contact Cooling in the Treatment of Skin Laxity in Asians. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 2008;40: Kameyama, K. Histological and Clinical Studies on the Effects of Low to Medium Level Infrared Light Therapy on Human and Mouse Skin. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology 2008;4: Alexiades-Armenakas, M. Assessment of the Mobile Delivery of Infrared Light ( nm) for the Treatment of Facial and Neck Skin Laxity. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology 2009;3: Tanaka Y, Matsuo K, Yuzuriha S, Shonohara H. Differential Long-Term Stimulation of Type I versus Type III Collagen After Infrared Irradiation. Dermatol Surg 2009;35:1-6 Tanaka Y, et al. Long-Term Evaluation of Collagen and Elastin Following Infrared (1100 to 1800 nm) Irradiation - Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, August, 2009 Note, the two papers accepted by Derm. Surgery and JDD showing histology are not shown on this list. Papers shown on this list are only peer-review papers. White-papers and paid placements are not included. Titan is the most researched and proven light based device for laxity. 9

10 Collagen contraction: ultra-structural analysis
Pre Treatment Immediately Post Treatment Ultra-structural Effects of Titan Infrared Handpiece on Forehead and Abdominal Skin Dermatologic Surgery 2006: Brian Zelickson MD, Victor Ross MD, et. al.

11 Collagen stimulation Titan collagen stimulation study
Preferential proliferation of Type I collagen Type I collagen is smooth Type III is rougher New collagen shows as higher contrast red Tanaka Y, Matsuo K, Yuzuriha S, Shonohara H. Differential Long-Term Stimulation of Type I versus Type III Collagen After Infrared Irradiation. Dermatol Surg 2009;35:1-6

12 Titan Induces Elastin Proliferation
Victoria Blue Staining. Irradiated once, 36J/cm2 35 year old male, cheek year old female, neck. P7    P Control  P7 Significant increase in elastin post Titan treatment Only non-invasive product to prove elastin stimulation Tanaka Y, et al. Long-Term Evaluation of Collagen and Elastin Following Infrared (1100 to 1800 nm) Irradiation - Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, August, 2009 12

13 Heat Stimulates Collagen Growth
After 3 hours 1 day after 3 month after 15 J/cm2 After 3 hours 1 day after 3 month after 35 J/cm2 After 3 hours 1 day after 3 month after 50 J/cm2 Sachiko Koike et al. “Tissue Degeneration in dermis after Titan irradiation in animal experiments”, Journal of Japan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2006 Vol. 28 No.2 pp39-41.

14 Titan Treatment

15 Patient Selection and Treatment
Who is a candidate for Titan? Best results are often seen in those patients with a minimum of excess fat in the area of concern and with thinner skin that is easily moved with a gentle touch Age is not a barrier Physicians have treated patients 30 to 80+ Best results on 45 – 60 year olds Someone with appropriate expectation Titan is a process, results will improve with time Wants to look rested and refreshed Looking to turn back the clock a few years, not a few decades Someone not ready for surgery

16 Titan Treatment Guideline

17 Titan Stamping Technique

18 Titan Mobile Technique
Titan Mobile Delivery is Safe and Clinically Effective Mobile delivery renders treatment painless with an excellent safety profile Mobile technique allows for 30% higher fluence delivery and greater pass numbers Possible increased efficacy and lower treatment numbers are achievable with mobile delivery as compared to stationary technique Study published by Dr. Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas in the March 2009 issue of JDD using a mobile technique for Titan Alexiades-Armenakas, M. Assessment of the Mobile Delivery of Infrared Light ( nm) for the Treatment of Facial and Neck Skin Laxity. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology 2009;3: 18

19 Titan before and after photos
Before Weeks After 1 Treatment Photos courtesy of Lisa Bunin, MD

20 Titan before and after photos
1 month after 2 treatments Fluence 34-36J/cm2 Cheek and neck; 211 shots total

21 Titan before and after photos
Before 8 Weeks After 2nd Treatment Photos courtesy of Lisa Bunin, MD

22 Titan before and after photos
Before 6 Months After 2nd Treatment Photos courtesy of David Goldberg, MD

23 Titan before and after photos
Before After 3rd Treatment Photos courtesy of Charles Cope, MD

24 Titan before and after photos

25 Titan before and after photo
Photos courtesy of John Hunts, MD

26 Titan before and after photo
Before 6 Months After 2nd Treatment 34-42 J/cm2, 489 pulses Photos courtesy of Jacqueline Calkin, MD

27 Titan before and after photo
Before 6 Months After 2nd Treatment 40-42 J/cm2, 296 pulses Photos courtesy of Jacqueline Calkin, MD

28 Titan before and after photo
Before 6 Months After 2nd Treatment 42-43 J/cm2, 467 pulses Photos courtesy of Jacqueline Calkin, MD

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