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Lessons Learned: Lean, Theory of Constraints/Continuous Improvement

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Presentation on theme: "Lessons Learned: Lean, Theory of Constraints/Continuous Improvement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lessons Learned: Lean, Theory of Constraints/Continuous Improvement
Initiatives Panel Panelists: RDML Jeffrey A. Brooks, USN, Fleet Maintenance Officer, US Atlantic Fleet Mr. James G. Brunke, Vice President/General Manager, Supply Chain Services, The Boeing Company Mr. Robert K. Trammell, Executive Director, Marine Corps Logistics Command Moderator: Ms. Carla Liberatore, Assistant Deputy Commandant, Installations & Logistics US Marine Corps

2 Lean is... A set of principles, concepts and techniques designed for a relentless pursuit in the elimination of waste. Producing an efficient just-in-time production system, that will deliver to our customers… exactly what they need when they need it in the quantity they need in the right sequence without defects and at the lowest possible cost

3 Efficiency Methodologies and Tools for Continuous Improvement
Enablers for speed, agility, flexibility & sustainment in an affordable manner. Efficiency Methodologies Theory of Constraints (TOC) Lean Six Sigma Others : ISO 9000, Malcolm Baldridge Award, CMMI Information Technology Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Global Combat Support System (GCSS) –Marine Corps Automatic Identification Technologies (AIT) Unique Identification (UID) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) All provide an environment for lead time reduction in the Value Chain.

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