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What is Jigsaw? Designed as a whole school approach, Jigsaw provides a comprehensive scheme of learning for Foundation Stage to Year 6. Jigsaw PSHE brings.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Jigsaw? Designed as a whole school approach, Jigsaw provides a comprehensive scheme of learning for Foundation Stage to Year 6. Jigsaw PSHE brings."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Jigsaw? Designed as a whole school approach, Jigsaw provides a comprehensive scheme of learning for Foundation Stage to Year 6. Jigsaw PSHE brings together Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a lesson-a-week programme. Jigsaw holds children at its heart and its vision is to help children understand and value who they are and how they fit and contribute to the world.

3 Why ‘Jigsaw’? The idea behind Jigsaw is that the whole school as seen as whole (a complete jigsaw!) We are all pieces of that Jigsaw and together we are as one. Every class has a different Jigsaw character and together they make up the Jigsaw team. Each term there is a new ‘puzzle’ and every lesson within that puzzle is a different piece of the jigsaw.

4 Meet the characters! Jino Jaz Jo Jack Jez Jem Jeanie

5 How does it work? Jigsaw is structured into 6 half-termly Puzzles with the whole school studying the same Puzzle at the same time (tailored to fit their year group). Journey in Love Term Term Term Term Term Term 6

6 Being me in my world Hopes & fears Rights & responsibilities
Rewards & consequences Golden rules Learning charter

7 Celebrating difference
Boys & girls Friendship Bullying Making friends Differences & similarities Respecting others

8 Dreams and goals Goals to success Perseverance Team work
Celebrating achievement Learning strengths Learning with others Challenge

9 Healthy Me Healthy living Exercise Healthy choices Being relaxed
Medicine safety Healthy cooking Healthy eating

10 Relationships Families Conflict Keeping safe Friends Secrets Trust
Appreciation Special people in our lives

11 Journey in Love What communities do we belong to?
Is belonging to a community important? How does a community help to develop our feelings & emotions? Can people feel alone in a community? How are we children of God?

12 Any questions?

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