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Earth’s History.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth’s History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth’s History


3 A fossil is ________________________________________________
The remains or the evidence of a living thing

4 3. Fossils indicate that many different life forms existed at one point
They are now extinct.

5 How do you think they lived?
Example: fossil teeth give clues about the kind of food the animal ate

6 What is happening to this organism ? _________________
Evolved over time

7 NY was warmer and under water
Fossils found in NYS ___________________________________________ NY was warmer and under water

8 The age of a rock/event in relation to the age of other rocks/events
. Relative Age- _________________________________________________________________ Original Horizontality- ____________________________________ . Principle of Superposition- ________________________________________________________________________________________________ The age of a rock/event in relation to the age of other rocks/events All rock layers originally laid down flat Bottom layer rock is oldest, top layer is youngest. (undisturbed layers only)

9 Buried eroded surface (missing rock layer)
E. Unconformity- ________________________________________________________ Unconformities represented by: : wavy line : bolded line Buried eroded surface (missing rock layer)

10 Deposition of rock layers Uplift,
Folding Deposition of rock layers Uplift, Weathering & erosion Submergence & New Deposition animation

11 All rock layers are laid down ________ before they are affected.
All rock layers are ________ than the event first older

12 ______________________
Intrusion- ______________________ Extrusion- ____________ _________________________ forcing a body of igneous rock between or through existing formations, without reaching the surface. the movement of Magma onto the surface of the Earth, forming igneous rock

13 siltstone shale siltstone fault folding sandstone limestone shale
Igneous intrusion siltstone

14 Y ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________O_________
Unconformity intrusion Fault sandstone Conglomerate Shale Limestone shale Conglomerate Unconformity Fold Limestone




18 3. 4.




22 F. Index Fossils- ______________________________________________________________
1. ______________________________ ________________________________ 2. ______________________________ A fossil that is used to date the rock layers in which it is found The organism must have lived over a wide geographical area, large horizontal distribution The organism must have existed for a relatively short time, small vertical distribution

23 Volcanic Ash - Is used as a geological time marker because - Spreads over a wide area - Deposits relatively quickly



26 Absolute Age- ____________________________________________________________________________
Radioactive Decay 1. __________________= an atom that has an unstable nucleus that changes spontaneously, or “decays” 2. __________________= the stable elment that is the result of the spontaneous change in a radioactive element. The measure of how many years old an event occurred or an organism lived Radioactive/parent Decay/daughter

27 3. Half-life= _______________________________________________________
4. The rate of decay (the half-life period of time) is NOT affected by any outside condition such as: The time required for half of the atoms to decay -Temperature -Size - Moisture - Pressure


29 4.9 x 1010 1.3 x 109 Argon 40 or Calcium 40 Sr-87 Rubidium-87
Radioactive Element Half-life (years) Decay Element Potassium-40 4.9 x 1010 Lead-206 Carbon-14 1.3 x 109 Argon 40 or Calcium 40 1,300,000,000 Sr-87 Rubidium-87 Uranium-238 4.5 x 109 Nitrogen-14 5.7 x 103

30 5. _________ has a short half-life and is therefore used to date the remains of _______________ such as____________________________ Carbon-14 organic RECENT matter petrified wood, bones, leather, teeth



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