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Topic 5: Cultural Innovations

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1 Topic 5: Cultural Innovations
1838—Rialto Theater 1846—St. Patrick’s Day 1847— Chicago Tribune 1856—Chicago Historical Society

2 1870: White Stockings (baseball)

3 1873—Chicago Public Library and Palmer House

4 1879—Art Institute

5 1881—Marshall Field’s Department Store

6 1884—First skyscraper in the world

7 1889 Hull House helps West Side immigrants

8 ALSO 1889 Frank Lloyd Wright’s Prairie style of architecture
Auditorium Theater

9 1891—Symphony Orchestra

10 1892 Stagg—football innovations at the University of Chicago—big #’s on jerseys, tackling dummy, huddle Newberry Library

11 1893—World’s Fair

12 1894—free public baths 1899—first juvenile court in the nation

13 1900 Everleigh Club Wizard of Oz
Early 1900s….”Rudolph” “Let Me Call You Sweetheart”

14 1902 John Dewey says kids learn best by experiencing things, doing things

15 1904 Orchestra Hall Riverview Park Ravinia

16 1905—Ford automobile 1907—DePaul University, Essanay Studios 1914—Cliffdwellers Club

17 Movies, music, and entertainment
1915—first full-length motion picture 1916—Navy Pier 1921—first radio station KYW 1922—Jazz/blues in its early stages

18 Good, but bad for you… 1928—Snickers gets a chocolate coating

19 1932 Thomas Dorsey, gospel music

20 1933: Century of Progress Fair

21 1934: Brookfield Zoo

22 1936—racially integrated music ensemble
1942—John Johnson-- magazines

23 Yummy! More food… 1941—Japps potato chips renamed Jay’s
1943—Pizzeria Uno, deep dish pizza 1951—Weber grill

24 1953 Playboy Sara Lee frozen foods

25 1954 Chess Records HIP (Harlem Irving Plaza) mall

26 1955: McDonald’s and fast food

27 1959: Second City and “Improv” Theater

28 1966: Bulls

29 1967—Picasso sculpture 1973—Sears Tower 1980—Pac Man

30 1986: Bears Superbowl

31 1991—Gallery 37 1999—Cows on Parade 2001—Suite Home Chicago (outdoor art)

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