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Sez. di Tecnologie Agro-alimentari, University of Catania, Italy

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1 Sez. di Tecnologie Agro-alimentari, University of Catania, Italy
STABILIZATION OF BLOOD ORANGE JUICE BY HIGH PRESSURE SUPERCRITICAL CARBON DIOXIDE TREATMENT Simona Fabroni Dofata – Dipartimento di orto-floro-arboricoltura e tecnologie agro-alimentari Sez. di Tecnologie Agro-alimentari, University of Catania, Italy Tutor: Prof. Emanuele Maccarone Co-Tutor: Dott. Paolo Rapisarda


3 Fresh Unpasteurized Juice
Minimal treatment after extraction before packaging and distribution Must be stored at 4 °C Excellent flavor, but shelf life < 3 days

4 Preservation Techniques in Orange Juice Processing
Required to: Destroy microbial contaminants Inactivate enzymes (e.g.: PME to stabililize cloud) Extend shelf-life Traditional thermal methods Emerging non-thermal methods

5 Cold-pasteurization by Supercritical CO2
Hypothesis of microbial inactivation: Cell wall rupture due to increased internal pressure; Extraction of cell wall lipids; Alteration of the pH within the cell; Rapid depressurization of the system.

6 High pressure supercritical CO2 equipment

7 Freshly squeezed blood orange juice
Experimental trials Freshly squeezed blood orange juice Untreated juice (UJ) CO2 treated juice (TJCO2) Thermally pasteurized juice (TJTP) 230 bar, 36 ± 1 °C, gCO2/gjuice 130 bar, 36 ± 1 °C, gCO2/gjuice 130 bar, 36 ± 1 °C, gCO2/gjuice

8 Assessment of the performance
Physicochemical parameters TSS pH TA CIE L*a*b* Cloud / PE activity Antioxidant components Vitamin C Total Anthocyanins Total Flavanones Total Hydroxycinnamic acids Total Phenolics ORAC units Microbial survival Mesophilic viable count (MVC) Yeasts and moulds count Spoilage microrganisms count

9 Changes of physicochemical parameters

10 Changes of physicochemical parameters
B A B AB A A B B A A A A B B B B C A A A a a B B b B 2.

11 Changes of physicochemical parameters
B % % % 3.

12 Changes of antioxidant components
B A AB B a a b 1.

13 Changes of antioxidant components
AB a b B b 2.

14 Changes of antioxidant components
B C 3.

15 Changes of antioxidant components
B ab B b 4.

16 Changes of antioxidant components
AB AB B B 5.

17 Changes of antioxidant components
B A a B B ab b 6.

18 Storage study 1.

19 Storage study 2.

20 Storage study 3.

21 Conclusions Looking forward an industrial scale implementation of the process, results showed that treatment at lower operative pressure (130 bar) and lower amount of carbon dioxide (0.385 gCO2/gjuice) can assure: the enhancement of cloud; a significative reduction of PME activity; a very good microbial inactivation (especially on yeasts and moulds), considering 106 cfu/ml the unacceptable microbial load for juice quality; an extension of fresh orange juice shelf-life; enhanced retention of antioxidant compounds.

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