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DSO Prototype Software

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1 DSO Prototype Software
Lars-Ake Nyman December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

2 PMG/DMG (not data processing)
AOS-Check (Bill) QA0 part: at the end of each execution, does QA0 based on telcal output (checks Tsys, delays, signal, pointing, phase rms).  Realtime part: checks data quality at the end of ATM, bandpass and calPhase scans, and does a realtime check of the system. This bit is still being developed, and could eventually be included in quicklook The QA0 aspect of this is now mostly incorporated into AQUA. Some remaining parts yet to be included. Also some functions could be included in TrendAnalysis - TBD PWV-plotter (Bill) Gets WVR data from active antennas in realtime. calculates and displays mean PWV and rms of PWV differences as a function of baseline length. Uses phase rms output from aos-check to also display current pathlength rms and give possible observing bands. Outputs PWV and pathlength rms to file for DSA scheduler. This is completed and mature. Ready to hand over to ICT (Control) December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

3 PMG/DMG (not data processing)
CLIC (from the IRAM GILDAS package) for analysing the holography and setting the surface. It is s not a prototype, but is a black box package from IRAM used by ALMA. not clear about who is responsible for maintenance etc. (ADC?) in the future, several people have mentioned refactoring it so that ALMA can maintain it. Matrix display of total power levels for all antennas and BBs (Bill) This is completed and mature. It would be good to hand it over to ICT. TAQA gui: (Ignacio/Matias) Replaced by AQUA QA0 but some features could also go to Quicklook SB simulator: (Petry/Hirota-san) script available in the STEs. December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

4 PMG/DMG (not data processing)
AOS Monitor (Cristian Lopez) Processing each 24hrs all AOS observations to calibrate and find problems in the arrays Still in development Should be included in Array Performance Monitor System December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

5 PMG/DSO-ANT Spectral check reduction script
Responsible:  currently maintained by Matias, developed also by Paulo, Cristian, Kurt   This script perform an automatic reduction of spectral check observations (toward blank sky, ambient load, orspectral line sources), to verify the performance of the receivers. This check automatically for ripples or platforming affecting the baselines, spurious signals, and the receiver temperatures. Also check for spectral line detection at some frequencies (CO, CS, HCN, SiO, etc..). It is used as part of the AIV+/Maintenance verification for each receiver when a new component is installed (WCA, CCA) within a FE. In the future, it could be included as part of the AOS Monitor.  December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

6 PMG/DSO-ANT Beam squint reduction script
Responsible: (currently maintained by Matias, developed also by Ignacio) This script reduce automatically TP raster maps for each polarization toward a bright source (usually a planet), and then calculate the difference of the pointing between polarization fitting a 2D gaussian model for the source in each polarization map. The relation between this difference and the beam size give the beam squint. This should be below 10%. This tool is used as part of the AIV+/Maintenance verification for each receiver when a new CCA component is installed within a FE. In the future it could be included as part of the AOS Monitor. December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

7 PMG/DSO-ANT Antenna Integration Tracker Responsible: Kurt/Antonio
Description: After an antenna has been relocated, it needs to be integrated into the array, which implies performing a series of tests, and updating different parameters in the TMCDB. The purpose of the Integration Tracker is to automatically detect when an antenna has been relocated, and display the current status of the integration, in a web page. For example: Have the tilt terms been updated? Has the antenna position been updated? Status: This tool is still under development, but has been in use for several months, and has been shown to be stable. Some improvements need to be implemented. The next version of the Dashboard will include a column indicating the integration status of each antenna, which is directly read from the Integration Tracker output. Integration into existing subsystem: As it is currently under development, it is not possible to integrate it into an existing subsystem. December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

8 PMG/DSO-ANT FEND Swap Integration Tracker Responsible: Kurt
Description: After a frontend has been installed on an antenna, a series of tests need to be carried out, and different parameters in the TMCDB updated. The purpose of the FEND Swap Tracker is to automatically detect when a frontend has been installed on an antenna, and display the current integration status, in a web page. For example: Have the frontend delays been updated? Have the pointing band offsets been updated? Status: This tool is still under development. It is already in use, but several improvements need to be implemented.  Integration into existing subsystem: As it is currently under development, it is not possible to integrate it into an existing subsystem. December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

9 PMG/DSO-ANT Maintenance Tracker/Maintenance Data Tracker
Responsible: Kurt Description: After a maintenance procedure, such as a CCA replacement, LO2 replacement, etc., certain tests need to be carried out. For example, some of these tests are: Spectral Sweep on Loads, Spectral Line Observation, Beam Squint Measurement, under others. The goal of the Maintenance Tracker/Maintenance Data Tracker is to determine automatically (to the extent possible) if a maintenance procedure was performed, and keep track of the tests performed and their results. Status: This tool is in an early stage of development. Many of the basic functionality is currently being developed. Integration into existing subsystem: It is currently not possible, as it is not fully developed. December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

10 PMG/DSO-ANT Baseline Reducer Responsible: Antonio
Description: This tool reduces automatically baseline data, finds outliers and also flags them automatically, and produces an output that can be readily passed to the Edit/Import commands to update the TCMDB Status: The tool is part of the Antenna Integrator and is in use Integration into existing subsystem: Not applicable December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

11 PMG/DSO-ANT Antenna Moves File Responsible: Kurt/Antonio
Description: We implemented an improved version of the antennaMoves.txt file ((CSV-3164/PRTSPR-21495/SCOPS-4422)). This file  is used by the pipeline. The new version contains the most accurate times of the moves, and the script that produces it also checks for consistency between the Dashboard and the TMCDB. New version deployed in October and currently is the one in use by DMG. The script to produce the file is ran daily as a cronjob on red-osf. An is sent to Kurt and Antonio to check the consistency of the file. Integration into existing subsystem: This file is used by DMG. There is no contingency plan in case red-osf stops working. This file could be automatically generated by the system, and not depend on a user-account. December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

12 PMG Array configuration tool:
Frederic Boone, Michel Caillat, Stephane, Ruediger Optimised imaging solutions for array configuration (re-)design Working extremely well, two algorithm approaches (antenna position optimization, brute force), latter in parallelized MPI+PThreads version installed on MOMENTUM cluster at LERMA / Observatoire de Paris and tested with up to 528 threads, available through Web service. User friendly GUI and 18 page memo. No corresponding sub-system exists within ALMA, installation of parallelized version at JAO planned December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

13 PMG Array configurations simulation tool Stephane
Imaging results for current observing array, critical pads, etc. (e.g. used for 
block Twiki) Working as CVS repository script No corresponding sub-system exists within ALMA December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

14 PMG A number of tools for calibrations source data reduction:
Calsurvey reductions Grid reduction 24h run reduction Weak / LB cone searches HF cone searches Pol calsurvey reduction December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

15 AOG SLT Online Progress Bar Plots Prototype (Olivares)
Have an online tool to display idle time, science downtime, bad-weather, observations states (success, fail) by array families. as progress bars inside of  an allocated science time.  Can be implemented in stand-alone SLT December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

16 AOG Array Control Panel: Operational State confidence:
Antenna_Control  still in use. Current Array Status UI plugin will be upgraded to include all the all the Antenna_Control monitor and control features. Emiliop expecst to test a demo in December ICT-909 (OMC ) => ICT-7938, ICT-7855) .   OMC Operational State confidence: Process to have CONTROL subsystem in OPERATIONAL state should include the current additional script actions needed to verify system ready for observations as well as provide more details or summary of the antennas not operational and the corresponding devices in wrong state ICT-136 (OMC ) December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

17 AOG SLT plugin to create PRTSPR tickets:
For the moment prototype  is in use until minor problems already fixed are deployed in the online system. ICT-868 ( SLT-14) SLT Critical Antenna devices alarms in use till new Alma Integrated Alarm System be deployed:  A set of obsMonitorXX.xx scripts trigger audio notifications which will be a requirement for the OMC once the speaker system or something similar be part of the operating system. December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

18 AOG UtilityModule GUI:
Implemented by Emiliano with ADC Operation Software Support. It will be online soon. ICT-6994 Python Scripts Commands included in the CVS project21 module: So far 61 scripts See also the AOG in-house prototype tools doc: December 2, 2016 CPM6, Santiago

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