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CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

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1 CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems
Vulnerability Scanning and Exploitation Frameworks CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

2 Vulnerability Scanners
Vulnerability scanners are automated tools that scan hosts and networks for potential vulnerabilities, including Configuration errors Known unpatched vulnerabilities CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

3 Vulnerability Databases

4 CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems
Advantages Vulnerability scanners can identify thousands of potential security issues. Automatically and quickly. On a regular basis, to ensure no systems have become vulnerable. Can identify problems missed by or misconfigured by administrators. Lets security know where problems exist. Essential part of defense in depth. CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

5 CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems
Drawbacks Results only as good as vulnerability database. Must keep vulnerability db up to date. Some reported vulnerabilities are false positives. Must check for existence of actual vulnerability. Configure scanner to ignore false +s in future scans. Human threats are better than scanner Can use zero day vulnerabilities not found in db. Can find misconfigurations or combinations of security problems that lead to vulnerabilities that scanner cannot find. CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

6 Vulnerability Scanners
CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

7 CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems
OpenVAS Architecture CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

8 OpenVAS In-progress Scans
CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

9 OpenVAS Vulnerability Report
CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

10 Exploitation Frameworks
Exploitation frameworks allow users to Choose and configure an exploit from a database of exploits. Launch exploits on specified targets to verify whether a vulnerability is present or not. Useful for Verifying vulnerability scanner results. Performing penetration tests. Convincing management that a problem exists. CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

11 Exploitation Frameworks
CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

12 Metasploit Architecture

13 Metasploit Interfaces
msfconsole Interactive command line interface. msfcli Non-interactive command line interface. msfcli windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi RHOST= PAYLOAD=windows/shell/bind_tcp Armitage Interactive graphical interface. CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

14 Exploit Configuration
OS and Application Version Variants of exploit may need to be chosen. Target selection IP address and port Payload selection Select shellcode type, e.g. shell or desktop. Encoding Encoding of exploit avoids IPS or AV detection. CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

15 CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems
Payloads Bind Shell Open a port on the exploited host offering a shell with no password required. Reverse Shell Target makes connection back to listening port on one of your servers, offering a shell. Remote Desktop Remote desktop using RDP, VNC, NX, or X. Meterpreter Advanced payload with post-exploitation modules, including key logging, sniffing, hash dumping, etc. CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

16 CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems
Key Points Vulnerability scanners Automatically scan network to find vulnerabilities based on vulnerability database. Results only as good as vulnerability database. Human attackers are better than scanners, so a clean scan doesn’t indicate perfect security. Exploitation frameworks Verify vulnerability scanner results. Assist in penetration testing. CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

17 CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems
References David Kennedy et. Al., Metasploit: The Penetration Tester’s Guide, No Starch Press, 2011. CIT 480: Securing Computer Systems

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