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Anett Ruszanov ERRIN +32.489.49.58.47 CO-RRI in practice within the framework of SDGs - transition experiments of the FoTRRIS project.

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Presentation on theme: "Anett Ruszanov ERRIN +32.489.49.58.47 CO-RRI in practice within the framework of SDGs - transition experiments of the FoTRRIS project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anett Ruszanov ERRIN +32.489.49.58.47
CO-RRI in practice within the framework of SDGs - transition experiments of the FoTRRIS project in five countries Anett Ruszanov ERRIN

2 Contents FoTRRIS Definitions: CO-RRI, R&I, R&I systems
Transition experiments Austria Belgium Hungary Italy Spain Conclusion

3 FoTRRIS H2020 RIA project October 2015 – March 2018
Objectives - key words: new governance practices foster the uptake of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) policies and methods Research and Innovation (R&I) systems Global challenges in local context Transition experiments in 5 countries

4 CO-RRI (1) R&I Europe2020 strategy smart, sustainable and inclusive growth&jobs extractive economic model: destroying planet, social inequalities RRI: “taking care of the future through collective stewardship of science and innovation in the present” Puts focus on anticipation, reflexivity, deliberation, inclusiveness, responsiveness But what is “more sustainable”? “responsible”?

5 CO-RRI (2) United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in More sustainable and equitable world.

6 CO-RRI (3) SDGs framework of reference for RRI
SDGs complex, non-linear. All of them at the same time, no isolation RRI not in labs CO-RRI Co-creational and community-focussed, commons-oriented In CO-RRI as well reiterative feed-back loops, continuous monitoring of the (societal) impact precautionary principle

7 CO-RRI (3) Need for change in paradigm and systemic goal
Sustainable development within the planetary boundaries, respecting natural resources economic regrowth Social/societal benefit private profit Generative process ( privatisation of knowledge and IPR), generating creativity&knowledge, free circulation and open science

8 R&I and R&I systems R&I: process by actors to understand, develop, scale up and socially embed novelties R&I systems: structures by people, not individuals. Shared knowledge-base, mindset to execute R&I in a similar way

9 Transition experiments
Austria – sustainable food systems Belgium / Flanders – materials scarcity Hungary – local economic development Italy – sustainable energy Spain – women and disabilities, migration In all cases local, not national Very concrete local issues

10 Transition experiments: Austria (1)
In the area of Graz System goal: sustainable urban food in the region of Graz Objective: a project idea that fits H2020 calls Project idea: urban food strategy networking with other urban areas with the involvement of TE stakeholders

11 Transition experiments: Austria (2)
Achievements New concept of “food council” introduced – advice on food-related policy/strategy Food systems very complex with a lot of actors, top-down&bottom-up bring them together H2020 proposal submitted on improving food supply (distribution to people in need) Veggie van construction started


13 Transition experiments: Belgium (1)
A) Building and demolition waste System goal: To guarantee good quality housing for all people in a marginalised Antwerp neighbourhood given the scarcity of building materials Objective: co-created project proposal Outcome: a H2020 proposal

14 Transition experiments: Belgium(2)
Problem owner: City of Antwerp (engagement of the public administration) Existing regional strategic framework: circular cities vision for 2050

15 Transition experiments: Belgium(3)
B) Household electronics Systemic goal: To insure household comfort to all inhabitants of a marginalised neighbourhood in Antwerp given the scarcity of materials for household electronics Largest company, Umicore got engaged! (based in Flanders – local context)

16 Transition experiments: Belgium(4)
Achievements Collaboration with Antwerp City Lab 2050 (innovation lab) – sustainability and acceleration For real circular economy CSOs have to be on board Knowledge vouchers to compensate the participants (exchange in terms of time) – generative knowledge


18 Transition experiments: Hungary (1)
In a very specific neighbourhood (residential suburb to Budapest – garden city design) Systemic goal: access to quality service for all and social equity (support to families with less income) Objective: local economic development

19 Transition experiments: Hungary (2)
Very dynamic and intellectual neighbourhood with long tradition of independence and self-organisation in the past (and existing collaboration with project partner) Belongs to the Transition Town Movement Willingness to act Engagement of the public authority (vice-Mayor)

20 Transition experiments: Hungary (3)
Achievements Continuous work, self-initiatives between workshops Creating a buzz Four social business ideas business plan Urban food strategy started Small community Ownership of the promise Difficult to take a commitment Needs more preparation, no final results (yet)

21 Transition experiments: Italy (1)
Madonie (part of Sicily) System goal: access for all residents to clean energy Objective: a living lab with CO-RRI approach (MaLL) as catalyser of innovative sustainable participatory processes innovation ecosystem

22 Transition experiments: Italy (2)
Living lab key for Education of new generations (exhibition, school network – creativity, ownership towards energy sources) Piloting energy systems Participatory business model Community engagement Strategic vision Stimulate investment

23 Transition experiments: Italy (3)
Achievements: Medonia living lab in ENoLL (European Network of Living Labs) – long term vision National Strategy for Inner Areas will use CO-RRI as methodological framework in the implementation (policy maker-level commitment) – systemic approach

24 Transition experiments: Spain (1)
A) Refugees Collectively design a R&I project idea under H2020 new work programme ( ) using CO-RRI principle Refugees invited! Ideas: Creating a database better migration policies Integration by arts Promoting benefits of migration

25 Transition experiments: Spain (2)
B) Women and disability Identifying challenges and opportunities in housing, mobility, employment, education, leisure activities Ideas Creating a reference center for formalities Detecting knowledge that women with disabilities have empowerment improvement of quality of life

26 Transition experiments: Spain (3)
Achievements Refugees proposal in being prepared for H2020 call in 2018 (MIGRATION ) Setting up an association to foster RRI uptake (training and consultancy services for all types of stakeholders) Include RRI in Master Degree in Communication at UCM (still subject to approval)


28 Conclusions (1) Variety of cases illustrated: prepare a H2020 proposal – implementation of an existing strategy RRI must be anchored to a territory/place-based in given economic, social, demographic, environmental context Process added value measured mainly in relations with stakeholders (old or new)

29 Conclusions (2) Do not mention theories/methodologies to the stakeholders. Just do practice, simplified language Bottom-up initiatives from the engaged participants but balanced with top-down guidance (variety of voices, ideas) Timespan very limited. Real results would need more preparations, more meetings and discussions Be prepared to manage conflicting views

30 What else? Engagement techniques tested

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