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The Life of Arthur Miller: American Playwright

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1 The Life of Arthur Miller: American Playwright

2 Family Life Born in October 17, 1915 in New York City
Grew up during the Great Depression His father’s business was ruined during the Depression Family forced to move to Brooklyn because of lack of income Brooklyn home said to be model of the Brooklyn home in Death of a Salesman “This desire to move on, to metamorphose- or perhaps it is a talent for being contemporary- was given me as life’s inevitable and rightful condition.”

3 Childhood Spent most of his time playing baseball, football and reading adventure stories Graduated from high school in 1932 Worked in an automobile parts warehouse to earn money for college

4 Education Entered the University of Michigan in 1934 to study journalism Graduated with a degree in English in 1938 Returned to New York where he joined the Federal Theatre Project and wrote scripts for radio programs Known for his social awareness with deep insights into personal weaknesses of his characters

5 Personal Life Married in 1940 to Mary Slattery and had two children (ended in divorce) Married Marilyn Monroe in 1956, but her heavy use of drugs led to their divorce in 1961 One year after his divorce he married an Austrian photographer named Inge Morah

6 Awards All My Sons-New York Drama Critics Circle Award
1949-Pultizer Prize for Death of a Salesman (also won Drama Critics Circle award) The Crucible-Antoinette Perry Award 1965-Elected president of P.E.N., international literary organization

7 Future of Playwriting “It happens to be a very bad historical moment for playwriting, because the theater is getting even more difficult to find actors for, since television pays so much and the movies even more than that. If you’re young, you’ll probably be writing about young people, and that’s easier-you can find young actors-but you can’t readily find mature actors.”

8 His Legacy Miller's career as a writer spanned over seven decades, and at the time of his death, Miller was considered to be one of the greatest dramatists of the twentieth century. After his death, many respected actors, directors, and producers paid tribute to Miller, some calling him the last great practitioner of the American stage, and Broadway theatres darkened their lights in a show of respect.

9 Legacy con’t Miller's alma mater, the University of Michigan opened the Arthur Miller Theatre in March, Per his express wish, it is the only theatre in the world that bears Miller's name Miller died of heart failure after a battle against cancer, pneumonia and congestive heart disease at his home in Roxbury, Connecticut.

10 Other Pertinent Introductions
Many feared Communism during Miller’s life Senator Joseph McCarthy gained power by accusing others of being Communists McCarthyism came to mean false charges of disloyalty Miller was accused – denied but still blacklisted The Crucible is a parable for McCarthy era in which “witch hunts” occurred, targeting citizens as communists (disciples of the Devil) Crucible = severe test

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