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The Cedar Glade Ecosystem

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1 The Cedar Glade Ecosystem

2 What is a cedar glade? Endangered Ecosystem Characteristics:
Very thin soil layers Exposed limestone rock Surrounded by junipers Dry in summer, wet in winter

3 What is a Cedar Glade?


5 Where are the Cedar Glades?
Central Basin of Middle TN

6 Where are the Cedar Glades?

7 The Zones of the Cedar Glades
Zone 1- Bare rock, no soil Zone 2- Gravelly glades; 0-2 in. soil Zone 3- Grassy glades; 2-8 in. soil Zone 4- Shrub zone; 8-12 in. soil Zone 5- Cedar woods zone; 12+ in. soil

8 The Zones of the Cedar Glades

9 Zone 5: Cedar woods; 12 in. soil
Zone 1: Bare rock, No soil Zone 2: Gravelly Glade; 0-2 in. soil Zone 5: Cedar woods; 12 in. soil Zone 4: Shrub Zone; 8-12 in. soil Zone 3: Grassy Glade; 2-8 in. soil

10 What makes the Cedar Glades Unique?
Found primarily in Middle TN A few other places in the South Endemic Plant Species What does endemic mean? How? Adapted to extreme environment Can not compete elsewhere We have plants in Rutherford Co. that are not found anywhere else in the world!

11 Glade Ecosystem Case Study Intro
What is a glade ecosystem? Characteristics of Glade ecosystems Show first 3 minutes, and 6-8 Flat rock cedar glades and barrens

12 A Ridge and Valley limestone barren dominated by prairie grasses
A Ridge and Valley limestone barren dominated by prairie grasses. Tall blazing star (Liatris aspera) is blooming in the foreground. Cleveland Barrens Natural Area Preserve, Russell County

13 Gravelly Limestone / Dolomite Barren (Southern Ridge and Valley Type) near Dry Creek, The Cedars Natural Area Preserve, Lee County.



16 Low herbaceous barrens on a massive diabase "flatrock" in the northern Virginia Mesozoic Basin. Near Elklick Run, Fairfax County (Fairfax County Park Authority lands)



19 Glades of various types occur across the southeast and there are unique, endemic species and rarely occurring species and lots of diversity specific to each region!! flat rock and cedar barrens

20 Running Glade Clover: found in only 7 sites in VA and TN

21 The Tennessee Coneflower is one of several species that have adapted to the harsh conditions found in middle Tennessee cedar glades. barrens and the coneflower

22 “The Cedars” is a topographic lowland region located in extreme Southwest Virginia . The extensive karst terrain of “The Cedars” has been rated as one of seven significant Karst Areas in Virginia . Landscape features include sinkholes, caves, springs, and sinking streams. Within The Cedars there are: Ten major caves and two large springs Seventeen rare animal species Thirteen are listed as globally rare Cave isopod--found no where else in the world Cedars millepede--found no where else in the world Sixteen species of rare plants Two are globally rare Running-glade clover is found in only one other site in the world (middle Tennessee )


24 Cedars Natural Area, Lee County, VA

25 What is karst topography? Preserving and restoring a glade ecosystem

26 Describe the appearance of glades using 2 sentences minimum
Copy down these questions on a sheet of paper. You will be answering these for a grade to hand in at the end of the period Describe the appearance of glades using 2 sentences minimum Describe the type of plants found in cedar glades (and what kinds of plants are NOT there). What adaptations do plants that live in glades have with regards to how they deal with -sunlight -moisture 3. Where in the US do we find cedar glades? 4. What does it mean to say a species is ‘endemic’ to a certain area? What are 2 reasons to conserve cedar glades? What are the major risks faced by glades? What lies underneath the cedar glade landscape? What is karst topography? What is the relationship between fire and the glade ecosystem? What are the zones of the cedar glades? Describe some unique features of the Tennessee coneflower.




30 Now here are some important Cedar Glade Plant species….

31 Prickly-Pear Cactus The only native cactus in Tennessee
Zones 2 and 3 of the glades

32 Sunnybell Lily Endangered plant protected by state law
Interstate 840 was rerouted for this plant Zones 2 and 3, near standing water

33 Hoary Puccoon Native Americans used flowers as a yellow dye
Found in zones 2 and 3

34 Nashville Mustard (glade cress)
In the mustard family Endemic to Middle TN cedar glades; zone 2

35 Prairie Coneflower In the sunflower family 3-4ft tall; found in zone 3

36 Price’s Wood Sorrel In the Wood Sorrel family Leaves look like clovers
Endemic to cedar glades; zone 2

37 Shrubby St. John’s Wort Used as an anti-depressant
5 petals, numerous stamens Zone 4

38 Missouri Evening Primrose
Large yellow flowers up to 5 inches across Zone 2 East of Mississippi River, found only in Rutherford Co.

39 Gattinger’s Lobelia Dr. Gattinger named this blue-purple flower
Endemic to the cedar glades; Zone 2

40 Blue-Eyed Grass This “grass” is really a flower in the iris family
Zones 2 and 3

41 Wild Petunia Blue-violet trumpet-like flowers Sweet smell
Zones 2 and 3

42 Glade Savory Perennial in the Mint family Fragrant leaves Square stem
Zone 3

43 Gattinger’s Prairie Clover
Aromatic leaves when crushed/stepped on Red stems In the pea family Zones 2 and 3

44 Nashville Breadroot Showy flower with large, swollen root/tuber which may be used for food (starchy) Endemic to the cedar glades; zone 3

45 Tennessee Coneflower First federally listed endangered species in TN
Endemic to the cedar glades; Zone 3 Petals bent forward, opposite of other coneflowers

46 Pyne’s Ground Plum Only found in Rutherford Co.
Nowhere else in the world! Red, fleshy fruit Zones 3 and 4

47 Shooting Star Unusual flowers that look like rockets Zones 3, 4, and 5

48 Glade Stonecrop Form a mat on thin soil over limestone rock Zone 2

49 Redcedar Actually a juniper, not a cedar Surrounds the glade; zone 5


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