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Newmarket Community Church

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1 Newmarket Community Church
A WARM & CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL! If you are seeking a place to live out your faith, to ask important questions, and to serve beyond yourself, we invite you into this community of faith and love. For more information about the church please Pastor Patty at or call her or text her at CHECK IN ON FACEBOOK! Check in on Facebook and let your family and friends know that you’re here! Be sure to “like” us at ANNOUNCEMENTS Christmas Fair The Annual Christmas Fair will be held on Saturday, Dec. 2nd from 8am-2pm. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and a fun event for the whole family! If you interested in baking something for our bake sale, please let us know! Operation Santa & Christmas Baskets NCC supports Operation Santa in conjunction with Lamprey Health. Gift requests will be identified on Christmas Tree tags hanging in the front of the church on Nov. 26th. Donations need to be brought to worship on Dec. 3rd. We are also supplying Christmas breakfast baskets for approximately families. Baskets need to be at the Church by Dec. 17th for Dec. 18th pickup from 3-6pm. These requests will be on display at the front of the church on Nov. 26th along with a Christmas Basket form to fill out. IN OUR PRAYERS... Gracious God we lift up our prayers to you for those people on our hearts and this world. We pray for: Carol, John, Dwayne, all those affected by the shooting in Texas, Ron, Shirley, our brothers and sisters in our partner church in Zimbabwe and our Guatemalan brothers and sisters who serve and are served by SaludYPaz, and for those who seek comfort here during weekly 12 step meetings. Amen! Welcome to Newmarket Community Church During the month of November we are exploring opportunities to become more generous as part of our faith. Vision and Hope are Inspirations of the Heart A Reflection on Matthew 25:14-30 Reverend Patty Marsden God-sized vision requires faith and stepping out of your comfort zone, moving away from fearful living to generous giving! November 19, 2017 We thank our service participants today Greeters: Orson Yancey & Greg Fuller Liturgist: Jacque Mongeon Music Director: Meagan Maganti Audio Visual: Carter Bousquin Partnered with Chisumbanje Church in Zimbabwe Online at Also find us on Facebook/Newmarket CommunityChurch  Office Administrator: Katelyn Clough

2 WELCOME TO WORSHIP! No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome in this multi-denominational Christian community. GATHERING MUSIC Give Thanks GATHERING CALL Praise Song – Lord I Need You GATHERING PRAYER GLORIA PATRI Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen, Amen.  SCRIPTURE Matthew 25:14-30 After the reading of the Word: One: This is the word of God for the people of God All: Thanks be to God. ANTHEM Come, With Glad Thanksgiving REFLECTING ON THE WORD A Message for the Young at Heart Hymn of Reflection #2153 I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me (Black Hymnal) A Message for All Ages A Personal Reflection By Cindy Hibert You are invited to stand if you are comfortable to do so. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE SHARING OUR GIFTS WITH GOD May your giving be a response to God’s gracious love. OFFERTORY Sung by Colin White & Jacque Mongeon DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
 Praise Him, all creatures here below;
 Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We dedicate our gifts to God in Prayer WE GO FORTH INTO THE WORLD SENDING HYMN - #107 Amazing Grace (Red Hymnal) SENDING PRAYER May the Lord, gracious Lord, bless and keep us forever, Grant us peace, perfect peace, courage in every endeavor, Lift up your eyes and see His face, feel His grace surround you, May the Lord, gracious Lord, bless and keep us forever. Everyone is invited downstairs in the Fellowship Hall for refreshments. Thanksgiving Service St. Mary’s will be hosting a Thanksgiving service with NCC on Tuesday, Nov. 21st at 7pm at St. Mary’s. All are welcome!

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