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MCS 118 Fall 2013 September 16, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "MCS 118 Fall 2013 September 16, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 MCS 118 Fall 2013 September 16, 2013

2 MCS 118, 9/16/ Slide #2 Announcements Calculus tutors, Sun. – Thurs. 6:30 -9:30 pm, Olin Be sure to sign in. Calculus tutors in Pittman (Mon) and Norelius (Tues) from 7:00 – 9:00 pm Homework due today. BK Quiz grades: Top = 48 Median = 43.5 Average = 40.8 Low = less than 30

3 Terminology for polynomials How the leading term affects the graph
MCS 118 9/16/ Slide #3 Today’s schedule Terminology for polynomials How the leading term affects the graph How the degree affects the number of roots Sketching the graph of a polynomial

4 Terminology Polynomial Terms Coeffiecients Leading term Degree
MCS 118, 9/16/ Slide #4 Terminology Polynomial Terms Coeffiecients Leading term Degree Constant term

5 The leading term of a polynomial determines the long term behavior.
MCS 118, 9/16/ Slide #5 Leading term The leading term of a polynomial determines the long term behavior. This behavior depends on whether the degree is odd or even and whether the coefficient is positive or negative

6 Degree is odd; leading coefficient is positive
MCS 118, 9/16/ Slide #6 Degree is odd; leading coefficient is positive F(x) = 325(x3-3x2+2x) G(x) = 3x5-5x3+12x

7 Degree is even; leading coefficient is positive
MCS 118, 9/16/ Slide #7 Degree is even; leading coefficient is positive P(x) = x+400x2 Q(x) =x4

8 Leading coefficient is negative
MCS 118, 9/16/ Slide #8 Leading coefficient is negative y =3x-2x3-1 y=-2x2- 5x,

9 The real zeros of a polynomial
MCS 118, 9/16/ Slide #9 The real zeros of a polynomial What they are and how to find them The zeros determine where the graph crosses the x-axis. A polynomial of degree n can have at most n of them.

10 MCS 118, 9/16/ Slide #10 Example 1: y= x2 + 10x + 25

11 MCS 118, 9/16/ Slide #11 Example 2: y= x5 – x3 - 6x

12 Putting it all together: Graph y = x4-4x2
MCS 118, 9/16/ Slide #12 Putting it all together: Graph y = x4-4x2 Use the leading coefficient test Find the zeros Plot a few more points Draw a continuous curve

13 MCS 118, 9/16/ Slide #13 y = x4-4x2

14 Homework due on Thursday
MCS 118, 9/16/ Slide #14 Coming up: Homework due on Thursday

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