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Transverse Feedback System (LHC Damper)

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1 Transverse Feedback System (LHC Damper)
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF Transverse Feedback System (LHC Damper) presented by Wolfgang Hofle CERN AB/RF/FB Acknowledgements: P. Baudrenghien, A. Blas, T. Bohl, A. Findlay, G. Kotzian, R. Louwerse, T. Linnecar, E. Montesinos, V. Rossi, D. Valuch & JINR, Dubna, Russia, V. Zhabitskiy 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

2 Transverse Feedback System (LHC Damper)
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF Transverse Feedback System (LHC Damper) Outline Overview: Transverse feedback systems (dampers) at CERN’s synchrotrons (PS Booster, AD, LEIR, PS, SPS and LHC); example: SPS damper; RF group is responsible for all these systems Functional Specification and overview of LHC Damper System Expected noise performance for LHC transverse feedback Possible upgrades of LHC damper system Upgrades and consolidation of injector transverse feedbacks, including new PS2 Conclusions 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

3 Transverse multi bunch feedback
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF LHC Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) Transverse multi bunch feedback Kicker Need real-time digital signal processing Match delays: t signal = t beam + MT 0 T0 : beam revolution time M=1: very common -> “One -Turn-Delay” feedback But M>1 also possible phase and delay adjustments t signal Signal processing gain g t beam D Pick-up 1 Pick-up 2 damping: of transverse injection oscillations feedback: curing transverse coupled bunch instabilities excitation: of transverse oscillations for beam measurements & other applications 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

4 Transverse Feedback Systems in Synchrotrons at CERN
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF LHC Transverse Damper Transverse Feedback Systems in Synchrotrons at CERN Currently installed transverse feedback systems in CERN Synchrotrons Accelerator Digital / analogue processing Power / kicker / bandwidth Usage in operation PS Booster (protons) 50 MeV – 1.4 GeV kin. E. multi turn injection from Linac 2 analogue beam offset signal suppression, analogue delay (cables & switches) 100 W, 50 W stripline Limited to 13 MHz in operation But built for 100 MHz bandwidth, baseband H-plane: used and required V-plane: beam stable w/o FB AD (anti-proton decelerator) 3.57 GeV – 0.1 GeV Copy of booster system 100 MHz bandwidth baseband used only for excitation purposes SPS (protons, ions) (14 – 450) GeV/c protons FT (26 – 450) GeV/c LHC beam digital notch filter and 1T-delay (Altera FPGA, 80 MHz clock) commissioned in 2000/2001 tetrode amplifiers with two 30 kW tetrodes in push-pull directly coupled to a kicker (base band); feedback bandwidth ~10 kHz to 20 MHz H-plane: used in operation V-plane: used in operation used and required for operation above 5x1012 protons (max ~5.5x1013 ppp accelerated) 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

5 Transverse Feedback Systems in Synchrotrons at CERN
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF LHC Transverse Damper Transverse Feedback Systems in Synchrotrons at CERN Current transverse feedback system projects at CERN Accelerator Digital / analogue processing Power / kicker / bandwidth Planned commissioning and usage LEIR ( ions: Pb54+ ) 4.2 MeV/u – 72 MeV/u copy of PS Booster System New: remote control of pick-up vector sum 100 W, 50 W stripline 2005 damping during e-cooling may be necessary PS (protons, ions) 1.4 GeV – 25 GeV (kinetic E) synergy with LHC Damper 3 kW pulsed, 200 W CW, upgrade towards more CW power possible (loads); 112 W stripline (0.9 m length), planned with ~30 MHz bandwidth in baseband, lower cut-off ~50 kHz upgrade possible with magnetic kicker (0.9 m length, 12.5 W, but bandwidth considered too limited); H-plane magnetic kicker built already, but BW limited 2006 injection damping and feedback will be beneficial in particular for high intensity CNGS beams and LHC beams. Currently horizontal instabilities are cured by introducing coupling to the vertical plane which constrains the tunes LHC (protons, ions) protons: 450 GeV/c – 7 TeV/c digital notch filter and 1T-delay, built-in diagnostics 14 bit ADC/DAC Altera FPGA, 40 MHz clock new development in progress tetrode amplifiers with two 30 kW tetrodes in push-pull directly coupled to kicker (base band) similar to SPS system 3 kHz -> 20 MHz 2007 injection damping feedback loop closed during ramp switch off during physics? 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

6 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF LHC Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) Example SPS (CNGS type beam, 1 batch, 1013 protons): 3 ms growth rate 0.5 ms damping time injection with damper off damper being switched on 7 ms (300 turns) after injection 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

7 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF LHC Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) Example SPS (LHC beam, 48 / 72 bunches spaced 25 ns) injection with damper off (~4x1012 p total in 48 bunches) injection with damper on (~6x1012 p total in 72 bunches) 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

8 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF LHC Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) LHC Damper is being installed in point 4 of LHC along with the accelerating 400 MHz RF system 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

9 Nominal LHC filling pattern: 2808 bunches
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) Nominal LHC filling pattern: 2808 bunches Basic bunch spacing is 25 ns (every 10th bucket of 400 MHz RF) Running-in with 75 ns bunch spacing possible Trains of 72 bunches created in PS accelerator Up to 4x72 bunches accelerated in SPS and injected into LHC 1 ms gap between batches injected into LHC 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

10 Performance specification (1) (LHC Design Report)
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF LHC Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) Performance specification (1) (LHC Design Report) Beam parameters and requirements for nominal intensity: Injection beam momentum 450 GeV/c Static injection errors mm (at bmax=183 m) ripple (up to 1 MHz) mm (at bmax=183 m) resistive wall growth time ms assumed de-coherence time 68 ms tolerable emittance growth 2.5 % Overall damping time ms (46 turns) bunch spacing 25 ns minimum gap between batches 995 ns lowest betatron frequency > 2 kHz highest frequency to damp 20 MHz 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

11 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF LHC Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) Performance specification (2) Equipment performance specification: choice: “electrostatic kickers” (“base-band”) aperture mm kickers per beam and plane 4 length per kicker m nominal voltage up to 1 MHz at b=100m +/- 7.5 kV kick per turn at 450 GeV/c 2 mrad rise-time 10-90%, DV= +/- 7.5 kV 350 ns rise-time 1-99%, DV= +/- 7.5 kV 720 ns must provide sufficient gain from 1 kHz to 20 MHz noise must be less than quantization noise due to 10 bit / 2s rise time fast enough for gap of 38 missing bunches 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

12 The LHC Transverse Damping System (high power part)
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) The LHC Transverse Damping System (high power part) Damper system IP4 H V Beam 1 Beam 2 R1 Engagements of collaboration V H “Electrostatic” kicker Wideband amplifier Unit 20 electrostatic kickers 40 wideband amplifiers, i.e. 40 tetrodes (RS2048 CJC, 30 kW) 20 amplifier cases + H V Spare units Module 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

13 LHC optics at injection in IR4 (beams do not cross!)
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF LHC Transverse Damper LHC optics at injection in IR4 (beams do not cross!) Beam 1 high horizontal beta left of IP4 high vertical beta right of IP4 Beam 2 high horizontal beta right of IP4 high vertical beta left of IP4 Optics 6.4, sorry, 6.5 not very different for ADT) 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

14 Achievable performance (“baseline”) without upgrade
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF LHC Transverse Damper Achievable performance (“baseline”) without upgrade LHCADT performance in LHC optics version compared to original assumptions (at 450 GeV/c), assuming 7.5 kV maximum kick voltage b=100 m performance Optics performance Kick per turn in s Kick per turn in b in m ADTH beam 1 0.2 s 0.271 s at b=183 m ADTH beam 2 0.274 s at b=189 m ADTV beam 1 0.301 s at b=227 m ADTV beam 2 0.331 s at b=275 m Estimate of maximum capabilities (usage as beam exciter, abort gap cleaning etc.), assumes optics 6.5 as in table above, 450 GeV/c and 7 TeV and running with up to ~15 kV DC for tetrode anode voltage (at 1 MHz 1.4x nominal) 100 kHz 1 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz ADTH 0.42 s / 0.11 s 0.38 s / 0.10 s 0.12 s / 0.03 s 0.044 s / s ADTV 0.46 s / 0.12 s 0.42 s / 0.12 s 0.14 s / 0.04 s 0.049 s / s 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

15 Physical layout in point 4 underground LHC
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF LHC Transverse Damper Physical layout in point 4 underground LHC ADT racks (driver amplifiers, PLC controls, fast interlocks) ADT (4 modules) left of IP4 + space for 2 more modules (upgrade) ADT (4 modules) right of IP4 + space for 2 more modules (upgrade) Beam 2 Beam 1 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

16 Overview of one Damper system
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF LHC Transverse Damper Overview of one Damper system Most of electronics on surface -> easy access ! 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

17 LHC ADT Low level electronics
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) LHC ADT Low level electronics System will be based on experience gained with SPS Damper Two coupler type pick-ups with betatron phase advance of ~90 degrees will be used (BPMC/BPMCA, provided by the BDI group and integrated in quad) Spectrum repeats every 40 MHz (25 ns bunch spacing) -> analogue down conversion with a multiple of 40 MHz to baseband , LO of 400 MHz chosen One of the horizontal pick-ups is installed at ~zero dispersion and it will be possible to use this pick-up and a Hilbert transformer (FIR filter) for the phase adjustment if wanted; Hilbert filter tested in SPS but not used in operation (reduced phase stability margin at very high gain) FPGA technology for implementing most of the functions digitally (notch filter, fine delay adjustment, betatron phase adjustment by two pick-ups or Hilbert filter and single pick-up use) 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

18 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) Coupler type pick-ups Length of electrodes 150 mm Frequency domain: maximum of transfer impedance MHz Peak voltage for ultimate collision: ~140 V -> very large Sensitivity: mW/mm => 9.6 V/mm peak in time domain after ideal hybrid install hybrid on surface (12 dB cable attenuation will avoid saturation) -> peak voltage reduced to ~25 V, OK for wideband hybrid H9 Hybrid: 2 dB (+3 dB -1 dB), estimate: cable and bandpass filter generating) 8 periods of 400 MHz after filtering: ultimate beam: ~ MHz; nominal 0.26 V/mm (duty cycle 0.8) 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

19 Signal Levels from pick-ups
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF LHC Transverse Damper Signal Levels from pick-ups LHC Beam Parameters Injection Collision Beam Energy 450 GeV 7000 GeV g 479.6 7461 RMS bunch length in cm 11.24 7.55 FREV in kHz 11.245 FRF in MHz (h=35640) ^ Range of intensities for LHC beam and expected pick-up signal levels (ZT = 3.23 W; ZT (w) = 6.46 W) Pilot Nominal beam Ultimate beam Particles per bunch 5x109 1.15x1011 1.7x1011 Number of bunches 1 2808 Circulating current (DC) in A 9 x 10-6 0.582 0.860 Bunch peak injection in A 0.9 19.6 29.0 Bunch peak collision in A 1.3 29.2 43.1 Peak Voltage from inj. in V 2.8 63.4 93.6 Peak Voltage from coll. in V 4.1 94.3 139.4 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

20 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) Performance with respect to noise: aim at a better than 1 mm resolution Assume bunches oscillate with 1 mm rms (bunch-to-bunch) Power available from MHz (+/- 20 MHz): 433 pW (nominal beam) Thermal noise at 290 K: kBT = 4x10-21 W/Hz; in 40 MHz BW: 0.16 pW Digitization with 14 bit: discrete levels, assume 1 mm -> 4 steps then 14 bit are sufficient to cover +/- 2 mm Margin with respect to thermal noise: To use this margin we need to limit orbit variations at the pick-ups to less than +/- 2 mm. 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

21 LHC ADT upgrade possibilities (1)
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) LHC ADT upgrade possibilities (1) In case of lack of kick strength Push system to its limits +40% feasible (pulsed mode, reliability?) Increase of beta functions at kickers (to be checked), scales with b1/2 Additional kickers (expensive) but space is reserved (4 MCHF for +50%) In case of large instability growth limit of bandwidth (20 MHz) New power amplifiers with increased bandwidth, possibly dedicated damping of modes which are unstable New kickers (matched strip-line) and power amplifiers -> expensive; signal processing electronics can be re-used 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

22 LHC ADT Upgrade possibilities (2)
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) LHC ADT Upgrade possibilities (2) In case of insufficient Signal-to-Noise ratio (S/N) Digitization of pick-up signals underground -> save 600 m of cable -> gain 12 dB (factor 4), but need to develop hybrids, filters and electronics to process large amplitude signals; alternatively use 1 5/8” cable: gain ~6 dB (factor 2) If limited by interference & noise on link from surface to tunnel (3 kHz- 20 MHz) -> built digital link and have Digital-to-Analogue conversion as close as possible to amplifiers (possibly find new space for driver amplifiers that are now in UX45) Increase beta functions at pick-ups (not very likely but worth a thought since otherwise no additional cost); in particular vertical beta function at BPMC.7L4.B2 for beam 2 somewhat low in optics version 6.5 (=87 m) Average in the signal processing over several turns, i.e. 9 turns, gain of a factor 3 in S/N if noise turn-by-turn uncorrelated - more turns not feasible due to limited signal processing power and sensitivity to tune. Use additional pick-ups; strip-line pick-ups at Q8 and Q10 may be available; gain in S/N 50%, additional cables and electronics must be installed; further improvement by installing additional pick-ups, spread around the ring? 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

23 Strategy for transverse feedback projects and upgrades in injectors
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) Strategy for transverse feedback projects and upgrades in injectors Goal: Move towards common hardware for signal processing for all dampers Currently strong push to commission PS transverse feedback system -> in work Concentrate resources on LHC transverse feedback commissioning in Consolidate Booster/AD/LEIR Systems from 2008 onwards; use of LHC signal processing hardware to be checked (bandwidth required, large frequency swing!) Retrofit LHC hardware to SPS in 2009; possibly install third horizontal system to cure ongoing e-cloud problem (horizontal systems are at limit); SPS damper needs upgrade to go to ultimate Use as much as possible the experience with the new PS transverse feedback system (to be gained during next years) when defining system needed for the PS2 Keep experience in operation and electronics development close together (same team) to be able to have short development cycles 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

24 Potential benefits of injector transverse feedbacks upgrades for LHC
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) Potential benefits of injector transverse feedbacks upgrades for LHC Upgrade a must for SPS [unless one changes vacuum chamber]: resistive wall and electron cloud instability; upgrade required to go to the ultimate beam intensity; damper control upgrade to LHC standards It is likely that we need in the PS the transverse feedback working for ultimate beam Booster requires in the horizontal plane a transverse feedback system for stabilization, future upgrade required due to obsolete hardware -> assure future reliability 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

25 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia
W. Hofle CERN AB/RF Transverse Feedback (“LHC Damper”) Conclusions Before considering to implement upgrades in injectors, finish LHC transverse feedback first Better than 1 mm resolution seems achievable for LHC transverse feedback Upgrade possibilities for LHC transverse feedback exist (kick strength, bandwidth, noise performance Upgrade and consolidation needs in injectors for ultimate beam need attention Build PS2 with transverse feedback from start 20 October 2006 LHC-LUMI-06 Workshop - Valencia

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