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Presentation on theme: "HOW DOES A BILL BECOME A LAW?"— Presentation transcript:

Democratic Process In The Houses Of The Oireachtas

2 Have You Ever Wondered…
Why do we have so many laws? What are the steps that turn a bill into a law? Can you think of any laws that impact on your everyday life? Have You Ever Wondered…

3 List the laws that you can think of that you see around you every day
There are five stages that have to take place in order for a bill to become a law. A bill is an idea that someone wants to turn into a law. Laws in you life

4 Types of Bills Public Bills: Proposed by the Government
Private Bills: proposed by private organisations or individuals Private Members Bills: Put forward by the Opposition or Independent TDs Types of Bills

5 Stage 1: The Bill Is Introduced
The bill is introduced by a member of the Dáil or Seanad. Can you remember the correct name for the member in each of these houses? The Government looks for discussions from people who will be affected by the bill. This is called a Green Paper Stage 1: The Bill Is Introduced

6 Stage 2: Debate Can you define what a debate is?
In this stage there is a discussion about anything else that could go into the bill or could there be anything taken out Dáil First Stage debate Stage 2: Debate

7 Stage Three: Committee Stage
Here the bill is discussed section by section. Changes which are called amendments can be made at this point Only a Minister however can propose changes which would cost money Stage Three: Committee Stage

8 This is the last chance for amendments to be proposed
Why do you think changes might be proposed? Stage 4: Report Stage

9 Stage 5: Final Discussion
No more changes can be made at this stage. When a bill passes all stages in one house it goes to the other house where the process begins again from stage two Stage 5: Final Discussion

10 When Both Houses Pass a Bill…
When the bill has passed both the Dáil and Seanad the Taoiseach presents a copy to the president who signs it and declares it a law Why do you think is it important that both houses agree to a bill before it is sent to the President? When Both Houses Pass a Bill…

11 Activity Writing a Bill
Break the class into small groups. Assign each group an issue to research and write into a bill. Some suggestions: Making the official start time for secondary school students 8:30 am. Requiring all students to wear uniforms to school. Requiring anyone who plays on a school sports team to keep all their grades above C Give students time in class to research their topic. The groups should put together a one-to-two page document outlining why the bill would be beneficial. Optional: Have students debate the content of their bills in class or during the next class Activity

12 How a Bill becomes Law Worksheet


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