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Presentation on theme: "KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (KM) Session # 3"— Presentation transcript:


2 Three Megatrends Technology (Networking) Info. / Knowledge Work
- Performance; Connectivity; Portability Info. / Knowledge Work > 70% of work is info. intensive Globalization - of markets, products and resources/labor

3 The New Economy Networked Knowledge Economy Global and interdependent

4 The New Economy Location Independence ... A ‘Virtual’ World
Global, Knowledge-based, Networked Location Independence ... A ‘Virtual’ World

5 Land Area

6 Population

7 Source:

8 Source:

9 Knowledge makes the Difference between Poverty and Wealth...
Thousands of US dollars Rep. of Korea Difference attributed to Knowledge Difference due to Physical and Human Capital How important is knowledge? Forty years ago, Ghana and the Republic of Korea had about the same income per capita. By 1990, Korea’s income was six times higher than Ghana’s. While part of the difference is due to more investment and more workers, half of the difference is attributed to Korea’s greater success in organizing and using knowledge. Ghana

10 PAKISTAN Pakistan’s switch to the “Tech- Haves” critically depends upon Knowledge!

11 Need for Knowledge Management
“Knowledge has become the key resource, for a nation’s military strength as well as for its economic strength… is fundamentally different from the traditional key resources of the economist – land, labor, and even capital…we need systematic work on the quality of knowledge and the productivity of knowledge… the performance capacity, if not the survival, of any organization in the knowledge society will come increasingly to depend on those two factors” [Drucker,1994]

12 Innovation vis-à-vis Productivity
The source of wealth is something specifically human: KNOWLEDGE Knowledge applied to tasks we already know how to do is PRODUCTIVITY Knowledge applied to tasks that are new and different is INNOVATION Peter F. Drucker, 1992 8

We know the world is changing fast. But how fast-and why? Step back and examine the technological, economic, and geographic forces that are at work on our world.

14 Human Beings are producing more Transistors (and at a lower cost)…
… than they did Grains of Rice.

15 32% of the world’s languages are from Asia
874 million native Chinese speakers 355 million Urdu/Hindi Speakers 207 million Bengali speakers

16 Who’s online? 88% 84% 71% 32% Age 19-29 30-49 50-64 65+

17 What advertisers spent on placing ads in video games
Consumer electronics in the world 2 billion mobile phones #56 million #34 million 1.5 million TV Sets 2004 2005 820 million PCs 190 million Game Boys 70 million iPods 50 million PDAs 3.2 million Black- Berry

18 Manufacture’s Warehouse Retailer’s Distribution Center
Manufacturer Customers Outbound Logistics Retailer Delivery Store Delivery The Value Chain

19 Knowledge in Processes
Learning Knowledge Discovery Analysis & Refinement Action Customer Interaction Market Planning Knowledge in Processes

20 Let’s Face It ! Like it or not, Gifts of Globalization
Suppliers are a click away Technology: BioT, NanoT, GridT, ICT Business Disequilibrium is Faster Competition on Quality, Value, Speed Cheaper Products from China, India Is there any Intangible Service for SALE?

21 Managerial Consideration Individual K and Institutional K

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