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Overview – The Springfields Academy

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1 Overview – The Springfields Academy
Attachment Overview – The Springfields Academy

2 Attachment Theory Attachment theory is the study of how we attach to people in the early stages of our development, and its impact on how we view ourselves and develop relationships throughout our lives. Forming secure attachments leads to the development of self-esteem, positive affect, good peer/adult relationships and a strong sense of belonging.

3 How attachment patterns present?
Attachment Style Parenting Style Attachment Behaviour Organised secure attachment Sensitive & empathetic Enables the child to use the parent/carer as a secure base, developing patterns of behaviour that allow the child to search the environment actively, but also seek the comfort of the secure base when needed. Organised insecure attachment Ambivalent - resistant Inconsistent with parents/carers having difficulty in attuning to the child needs – resulting in inconsistent and unpredictable responses The child maximises their behaviours to ensure they receive care. Their emotions drive behaviours such as: Emotional distress at minor events Resistance to being comforted Low self-esteem and expectations Social incompetence and poor peer relationships Avoidant Emotional needs are demanding and parents/ carers cannot meet the demands. This results in the child expecting the parent/carer backing away when emotions are expressed Child minimises behaviour to ensure parent/carer remains close. The child may: Be passive & withdrawn Display little emotional distress Self-sufficiency Disorganised attachment The parenting style is frightening to the child or the parent is frightening The child experiences conflict between where they would normally seek safety and the source of the discomfort/fear, this can result in: Distress with little provocation Violent anger Anxious dependency Dislike of being held or touched

4 Implications for Teaching & Learning
Avoidant Attachment Deny need for support & help Need to be autonomous and independent of teacher Will be hostile when directed to do a task Have a limited use of creativity Limited use of language Need task focused interventions Resistant- ambivalent High levels of anxiety and uncertainty Show a need to hold the teachers attention Need support to complete task Need turn taking tasks Need transitional objects – when teacher is out of the room Cannot work independently Disorganised Need to be control – particularly when anxious Unwilling to accept authority Do not like no knowing Appear to immature – in terms of learning Need reliable predicable routines Need a secure base Benefit from consistent emotional support and positive re-enforcement

5 Supporting Pupils Environment Relationships Attunement Therapy
They must feel safe within the environment – it needs to be predictable and reliable. We try to achieve this through: Providing a schedule Providing a “who is board” pictures of staff Giving the pupil a space which they can personalise Limiting the demands when a pupil is anxious Giving achievable targets Relationships Staff should remain emotionally available, sensitive & responsive. When the pupil is distressed or excited the staff should aim to empathise and nurture. The aim is make the pupil feel relaxed so an attachment with emotional regulation can occur. Positive interaction should happen at every opportunity. Attunement Firm boundaries and expectations should be delivered at all times. However when a pupil is disciplined the sense of shame will be amplified. It is important that the school attunes to this. This means not focusing behaviour but trying to understand how the pupil feels. This builds trust and positive attachments. Therapy Pupils with diagnosed attachment issue will benefit hugely from therapeutic input – the key is then integrating this work into the school day.

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