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Creating inclusive, flexible cultures

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Presentation on theme: "Creating inclusive, flexible cultures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating inclusive, flexible cultures
Is it for everyone?

2 The driving force of tech innovations
To make our lives easier. Better systems, better automation and less reliance on being ‘physically’ present. To communicate and do things without ‘being there.’ Skype.  Paypal.  Facebook. Dropbox.

3 Is flexibility just for consumers?
No Employees want what consumers want. Less reliance on ‘presenteeism’ and more ‘trust & productivity’ Win-win for employees and employers

4 The business case 82% of workers saying they would be more likely to take a job that offered flexible working benefits.   By 2020 flexible working will be the most common option for half UK workforce 14.1 million people in Britain want flexibility in their working hours or location, equivalent to almost half the working population, Analysis of 3.5m job adverts found just 6.2% both mentioned a degree of flexibility and offered a salary deemed high enough to live on – the full time equivalent (FTE) of £20,000 or more. Manpower Group warns of a “critical shortfall” of qualified workers. It says the north of England is particularly vulnerable, undermining George Osborne’s ambitions to create a “northern powerhouse”. Clearly it’s time not just for tech industry but UK employers to embrace the need for flexible working in order to survive.

5 How do we do it? Flexible working isn’t just for women, but it is a pressing need for women already in tech with families that want to stay. So how do you do it? Analyse – where are you now and where do you want to be (and why) Getting clear on this will help you get better results Design – what is the best route to get there? Do you need HR training? What software do you need? What works for your business? Implement – How can you start (or keep) moving? Create a bespoke policy. Decide how you will communicate it. Review – how are you doing? Regular check-ins. Be honest! Don’t feel you have to get it ‘right’ first time.

6 Something to ponder….. “Telecommuting, one of many forms of work-life flexibility, should no longer be viewed as a nice-to-have, optional perk mostly used by working moms. These common stereotypes don’t match reality—allowing employees to work remotely is a core business strategy today… We need to de-parent, de-gender, and de-age the perception of the flexible worker.” Cali Williams Yost CEO/Founder of Flex+Strategy Group and Work+Life Fit

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