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Mergers & Acquisitions- MDA’s Sell Side Services

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Presentation on theme: "Mergers & Acquisitions- MDA’s Sell Side Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mergers & Acquisitions- MDA’s Sell Side Services

2 Pre-transaction Phase: Are you really ready to sell your business?
We would validate your position in the market place. Validate the Streng. & Weakn. And roll those together to determine whether this is a good time for them to consider this transaction. Is it the right time to sell or merger in your industry? Evaluate key market indicators, opportunities Potential sellers or mergers (general industries, etc.) What would the financial aspects of a transactions look like? What your goals for the transaction? Do your buyers gain economies of scale?

3 Prepping for the Business Valuation
Do you have the A-team management to endure through a merger or sale? Establish your personal goals Help you understand the process of selling, merging or acquiring a business

4 Phase III: Business Valuation
Review the company’s history Recast financial information Project the co.’s future performance Based on industry: trends, performance & mergers/acquisitions/sales

5 Marketing Your Business
You’ve determined that it is the right time to sell your or merge your company. Determine Strategic Goals and develop selling strategy. See Questions to Ask. Identify universe of likely buyer or merger prospects based on strategic and financial parameters. Confidentially contact prospects and screen to establish qualified and serious prospects. Assist in evaluation, negotiation and due diligence. Complete Acquisition, including final negotiations, documentation and post-acquisition merger issues.

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