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Why do we need a Government?

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1 Why do we need a Government?
Completed by Raiders Years 7&8


3 How our Government works…
We have a system of Government which gives power to the people, who have a say in how our Government is run. What is different about our country is that we have a Queen who is Head of State and a Prime Minister who is Head of Government.

4 There would be no Laws There are lots of reasons why we need law:
To keep society in order; to protect people, and to stop conflicts. Laws prevent people from behaving in a bad way. If there were no laws people could act and do things the way they wanted meaning there would be a lot of crime taking place. It would also mean that anyone that did anything wrong would never be sent to the corner of the classroom. Also people wouldn’t pay taxes, so they would be very selfish.

5 No Education Systems State schools are primary or secondary schools and are offered to all, to be attended free of charge. These are funded by the taxes paid by UK people.  If there was no education system the social standard would drop therefore the British Economy would drop, which would lead to many problems.

6 Zero control over Freedom of speech
What does it mean to have freedom of speech? Freedom of speech means that someone gets a say rather than people telling them how to do things and what to do. Without a government there would not be any control of freedom of speech which would lead to fights between religions and other matters.

7 Massive Environmental Issues
The government is working to protect our environment by reducing pollution, and reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill. They also help communities avoid or recover from flooding and other weather problems. Without the Government, there would be no control over the Environment and places of natural interest. Pollution would be very high leading to health issues.

8 In Conclusion So, as we have clearly shown we definitely need a Government. The reason for this that we wouldn’t want to have a country of conflict and issues, due to not having any laws. Also there would be massive health issues because of there being high levels of pollution. There are many other issues that would also increase if we didn’t have a government

9 We hope it has been interesting and informative.
Thanks For Listening We hope it has been interesting and informative.

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