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Physics Vocabulary Words

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1 Physics Vocabulary Words
Force Created by Mrs. Caesar

2 Vocabulary Force; free-body diagram, net force, Newton's Laws,.
inertia, equilibrium.

3 force Vocabulary words: Force free-body diagram, net force, Newton's Laws, inertia, equilibrium. A push or pull on an object

4 Free-body diagram, Vocabulary words: force, free-body diagram, net force, Newton's Laws, inertia, equilibrium. drawing a particle model of the forces acting on an object all forces in the model make up the system working on that model

5 net force the sum of all the forces acting on the object. Use the vector arrows to show which direction the forces are acting. Make sure all vectors are pointing away from the object being analyzed.

6 Newton's Laws, 1st Law Inertia once in motion stays in motions;
2nd Law Force = mass X acceleration; 3rd Law For every action there is an = and opposite reaction.

7 inertia, The ability of an object to resist change

8 The balance of all forces acting on an object so all things are equal.
equilibrium The balance of all forces acting on an object so all things are equal.

9 Important Words force, free-body diagram, net force, Newton's Laws, inertia, equilibrium. free-body diagram, drawing a particle model of the forces acting on an object all forces in the model make up the system working on that model net force, the sum of all the forces acting on the object. Use the vector arrows to show which direction the forces are acting. Make sure all vectors are pointing away from the object being analyzed. Newton's Laws, 1st Law Inertia once in motion stays in motions; 2nd Law Force = mass X acceleration; 3rd Law For every action there is an = and opposite reaction. inertia, The ability of an object to resist change equilibrium. The balance of all forces acting on an object so all things are equal.

10 Thank You

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