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Dynamic Mitral Valve Ring Annuloplasty: Micardia Concept

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1 Dynamic Mitral Valve Ring Annuloplasty: Micardia Concept
Maurice Buchbinder, MD Foundation for Cardiovascular Medicine La Jolla, CA

2 Maurice Buchbinder, MD DISCLOSURES Honoraria
Boston Scientific Corporation, Cordis, a Johnson & Johnson company, Abbott Vascular

3 Why Degradable Stents? Disclosure
Speaker’s name: Maurice Buchbinder, MD  I have the following potential conflicts of interest to report: Micardia Inc  Consulting  Employment in industry  Stockholder of a healthcare company  Scientific Advisory, Board Member  I do not have any potential conflict of interest

4 Ischemic MR Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation (IMR) is seen in up to 20% of patients following acute myocardial infraction. (Hickey; Circulation 1988;78: , Lamas; Circulation 1997; 96: ) Treatment of IMR includes medical therapy and in severe cases surgical repair with an undersized annuloplasty ring to reduce the size of the mitral annulus and improve leaflet coaptation.

5 Ischemic MR Following isolated annuloplasty surgery recurrent (>2+) MR is seen in 10-30% of patients (McGee; J. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2004;128:916-24) Recurrent MR appears to be commonly seen within the first year following surgery and remains relatively stable thereafter (McGee; J. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2004;128:916-24) Unlike in dilated cardiomyopathy IMR is associated with asymmetric deformation of the annulus (Kwan; Circulation. 2003;107:1135.)

6 Current technology does not cope with dynamic ischemic disease
Residual post-op occurrence 6-10% 6 month, recurrence %-25% 3 Years, recurrence 30% to 50% Edwards Physio Medtronic Duran SJM Tailor ATS Simulus

7 MiCardia Semi-Rigid Dynamic Annuloplasty “C” Ring (Degenerative)
Baseline Shape (Implanted) Transparent = Baseline Red = Post Activation Shape

8 MiCardia Rigid Dynamic Annuloplasty “D” Ring (Ischemic)
Baseline MiCardia Dynamic Ring Transparent = Baseline Red = Activated Shape

9 The MiCardia Dynamic Ring
Available in “C” and “D” shape sizes 28mm through 36mm Without activation functions as a “standard” ring Pre-attached electrodes used for activation make the ring Dynamic

10 Intra-Operative Re-shaping
Each RF wire is connected to the propriatary MiCardia RF generator. Following implantation,Wires are activated as needed to re-shape the ring in vivo Echocardiography confirms effectiveness of activation during and post re-shaping P1 P3 P2

11 Dynamic Ring - Features
Implants identical to existing technology Semi-rigid metal core maintains its shape.

12 Dynamic Ring - Activation
Can be reshaped intra-operatively by the operating Surgeon Or at a later date upon recurrence of MR using percutaneous techniques.

13 Intra-Operative Reshaping Pre-clinical “In-Vivo” experience

14 Intra-Operative Reshaping Pre-clinical “In-Vivo” experience
A-P distance shortening by mm Inter-Commissural distance contracted by mm No heat damage to the surrounding tissue Postero-Medial commissure activation Courtesy Dr. Alex Marmureanu

15 Ring Activation Pre-Activation Intra-Op Activation

16 Ultimate Valve Repair Modality

17 Percutaneous Reshaping: Sub-Q Device Platform
Single lead, atrial exit • No flow interference • Subcutaneous “pocket“ deployment of lead • Simple outpatient activation Activate days, weeks or months after the initial procedure to correct recurrence

18 Percutaneous Reshaping: Sub-Q Device Platform @140 days

19 Percutaneous Reshaping: Sub-Q Device Platform @140 days

20 Percutaneous Reshaping: Sub-Q Device Platform @140 days

21 Percutaneous Reshaping: Sub-Q Device Platform @140 days

22 Post-Activation PRE-Activation

23 Percutaneous Reshaping: Sub-Q Device Platform @140 days
Full activation within 60 seconds

24 140 days post implant

25 Percutaneous Reshaping: Sub-Q Device Platform @140 days
No infection No dehiscence Full 140 days, despite 100% in-growth

26 Human Experience

27 39 Human Implants Completed 34 DYANA study patients treated in Europe and 5 in the US
Site Implants Activations University Hospital of Homburg 7 4 Leipzig University Heart Center 11 1 Sana Herzchirurgie, Stuttgart 8 2 University Hospital, Keil William Beaumont Hospital 5 N/A

28 TTE 2D pre-procedure Bi-leaflet Prolapse

29 TTE 4-chamber Pre-procedure

30 TTE 4-chamber post ring implant prior to activation

31 TTE 2-chamber post ring implant prior to activation

32 RF connecting cable in place

33 TEE 3-chamber Post-activation

34 TTE apical 4-chamber prior to discharge

35 PRE- Procedure TTE Post-Procedure TTE

36 6-Month F/U, TTE 4-chamber

37 Conclusion From this early clinical experience the MiCardia Dynamic Annuloplasty Ring appears to be a promising device for the surgical treatment of Mitral regurgitation. The In-Vivo adjustable feature may be an extremely valuable tool for optimization of surgical results Further minimally invasive adjustments in ring geometry in the healing phase could be a compelling advantage for its use . Clinical studies are ongoing.

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