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Thank you to NASA for Lesson plans, images, and information!

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Presentation on theme: "Thank you to NASA for Lesson plans, images, and information!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thank you to NASA for Lesson plans, images, and information!
Eclipse! August, 21st, 2017 Thank you to NASA for Lesson plans, images, and information!


3 This is a composite of two images to the same angular scale
This is a composite of two images to the same angular scale. The Andromeda galaxy is located over 2 million light years from Earth and was imaged by NASA’s GALEX satellite and added to an image of the crescent moon at sunset from ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile. From the surface of Earth, the diameter of our moon is about ½ a degree and the Andromeda galaxy is about 3 degrees across. In fact, because of the enormous difference in actual size and distance, the moon, which is only about 3,400 km in diameter and the Andromeda Galaxy, which is over 100,000 light years in diameter, seem comparable in size!

4 Moon’s Shadow



7 The motion of The Moon’s Shadow

8 Scale Model of Moon’s Shadow

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