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Kochalka, J. (2000). Monkey vs. robot. Top shelf productions, inc

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Presentation on theme: "Kochalka, J. (2000). Monkey vs. robot. Top shelf productions, inc"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kochalka, J. (2000). Monkey vs. robot. Top shelf productions, inc
Kochalka, J. (2000). Monkey vs. robot. Top shelf productions, inc. Image retrieved August 6, 2008, from

2 Technology Kenwood ! at

3 Parents who don’t login can get frustrated when they can’t “find” their students’ grades and information—same thing with students. It’s important that the Edline “Account Info” person be available to assist users who are lost in space.

4 © Randall Munroe

5 Hilary Short Room 141
TECH COACH Department resource Hilary Short Room 141 TECH LIAISON

6 Given the realities of our modern age and the demands of our children’s future, is it really okay to allow teachers to choose whether or not they incorporate digital technologies into their instruction?

7 John Palfrey & Urs Gasser
Born Digital

8 Gary Small iBrain


10 Freedom Vukelic, D. (2008). Parachutist in the air. Retrieved August 8, 2008, from

11 Technology at Kenwood What’s out there?

12 hardware

13 hardware desktop computers
Dell Optiplex GX270, GX280, and GX360 student desktops Dell Optiplex GX520 and GX745 teacher desktops Dell Optiplex GX620 and 755 CTE Graphics and Video Production student desktops laptop computers Dell Vostro 1000 Dell Latitude D610 Science, student laptops Dell Latitude D620 and D630 teacher laptops

14 stationary labs Library Multi-Media Lab (MML) Google Form/Calendar Maxine Shindel Room 15 Google Calendar Hilary Short

15 mobile laptop labs 16 laptops in each cart 9 carts
(English) room 128 Brett Molin (Science) room 214 René Baker (Math) room 234 Darlene Joyner (Social Studies) room 236 Linda DePalo (Special Ed) room 6 Aimee Bogrand

16 video LCD projectors mounted in rooms Emergency Only

17 peripherals tablets InterWrite SchoolPads WACOM bamboo Promethean ActiveSlates audience response TurningPoint clickers

18 peripherals scantron machines Assesstrax GradeMaster 600

19 printers network printers copiers
department offices, rooms Since Department Chairs order cartridges from their budgets, teachers may only print to their Department’s printer(s)! copiers Library 1st floor faculty room 238

20 7:00 a.m.

21 Commercial Break


23 software

24 Microsoft Office 2003 Word documents PowerPoint presentations
Excel spreadsheets Outlook

25 department-specific software
Math Geometer’s SketchPad Science LoggerPro Social Studies Sniffy, the Virtual Rat 2.0 Special Ed Kurzweil 3000

26 utility software InterWrite presentation interaction
Promethean ActiveInspire presentation interaction

27 utility software TurningPoint voting

28 networking

29 Shared drives H: - your personal I: - teacher shared
L: - student shared M: - cte dept. R: - art dept.

30 webfiltering

31 Ian_michael_p. (2008, July 3). Thoreau
Ian_michael_p. (2008, July 3). Thoreau. Retrieved August 5, 2008, from Simplify.

32 SWIPE daily attendance class attendance Parent Contact (portal)

33 SWIPE Resource handout Training
Teacher Week, Faculty Meeting and/or Departments

34 Edline class websites parent contact department information
club and activity information





39 Edline Resources ed Training Teacher Week Basic Intermediate

40 Easy Grade Pro Web grades attendance


42 Easy Grade Pro - Basic Resource emailed Step-by-Step …with pictures!
Training Teacher Week

43 STARS student information schedules
parent contact information address phone # parent contact notes

44 STARS Resource handout Training in Departments

45 Questions? Comments?

46 Technology Kenwood ! at

47 Parents who don’t login can get frustrated when they can’t “find” their students’ grades and information—same thing with students. It’s important that the Edline “Account Info” person be available to assist users who are lost in space.

48 © Randall Munroe

49 Hilary Short Room 141
TECH COACH Department resource Hilary Short Room 141 TECH LIAISON

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